The Kiosk Experience Editor is Sign In Enterprise's key tool which allows you to customize your iPad's sign-in flows. While a fully utilized experience editor can look intimidating, its fundamentals are quite simple. Once you've learned how to add a single page to your sign-in flow, you've essentially learned how to add every other available page. You can then build out your experience to be as simple or complex as you need it to be.
This knowledge article walks through that basic process and links to other knowledge articles which goes in-depth on each page in the experience editor.
If you'd like to learn about our Registration Portal Experience Editor instead, check out THIS article.
The sections covered in this article include:
Related Content:
• Assigning an Experience to a Location
• Customizing the emails used in the Experience Editor
• How to set up the Registration Portal
Accessing the Experience Editor
To access the Experience Editor, click on the signpost icon in the left navigation bar of the admin portal.
You will see a list of existing experiences. To create a new one, click on the Create Experience button in the top-right corner. After naming your experience, you will then be brought into the experience editor itself.
Additional options from the main experience editor page include:
Copy Experience: Allows you to copy an existing experience. This is handy if you’d like to make changes without altering your current experience. This also updates your experience to the latest version so that it grabs the latest updates.
Delete Experience: Delete an experience that is currently not selected in a location. If the experience is already selected in an experience, you will be unable to delete it. This is indicated by a lock icon.
Upgrade Experience: Allows you to upgrade the experience to the newest version if an update is available. You can only upgrade an experience if it is currently not being used in a location.
Each Experience will also show an iPad minimum app version. The latest Experiences typically require that your iPad app is up to date in order for you to use it.
The Experience Editor is made up of different pages which all add together to create your sign-in flow. While it is up to you to choose which pages get added, they will always be sandwiched between two pages: The Welcome Page and the Thank You Page.
When you first open an Experience Editor, The Welcome Page and the Thank You Page will be the two pages that greet you. These signal the start and end of your sign-in flow and cannot be removed. Think of the green Welcome Page as your go signal and the red Thank You Page as your stop sign.
The Welcome Page has options such as:
Disable Information Icon: Disable the ‘i’ icon in the top-right corner of the welcome page
Enable Roll Call Icon: Allows you to email a roll-call list of guests to designated individuals
Enable Secondary Button: Creates a second path from the Welcome Page. Commonly used for Sign-out, Re-Print Badge, or Escorted Sign-in Purposes.
Enable QR Code Scanners: This setting, alongside the QR settings below relate to the features needed for pre-registration and touchless sign-in.
The Thank You Page allows you to:
Print Badge: Enables a badge to print when a visitor gets to the end of this path.
Badge Token: Allows for custom information to print on a badge depending on the path your guest goes down
Page Expiry: Choose how long it takes before the Thank You Page ends and reverts back to the Welcome Page for the next visitor.
Both the Welcome Page and Thank You Page allows you to customize the text in the Title and Message fields. This will be displayed on the iPad.
Adding New Pages and Actions
To add a page, simply click on the green line between any two pages and choose from the menu that appears. Once you select a page and click ‘Add’, it will be dropped into your selected spot in the experience. Below is a list of the basic pages/actions that you can add.
While most pages will continue the workflow down a single line, some pages/actions (eg. Choice Page, Watchlist Check Page, Invite Check Page) will split the workflow, allowing you to create multiple paths for your visitors to go down.
Additionally, you can add ‘Actions’ in the same way that you can add a ‘Page’. Actions are designated with a black border. The difference between an action and a page is that actions are not visible by a visitor when they are using the kiosk. Rather, actions are designed to fire off a background action, whether it be a notification, connection via API, or conditional path. The ‘Actions’ section below goes into detail on each each action.
Every Page/Action has a different set of options, depending on its main function. Make sure to familiarize yourself with the options available to you.
NOTE: Some pages are only available on certain tiers or need to be enabled by the customer success team. Consult the customer success team for further details.
Make sure to save your Experience once you’ve made your changes. To learn how to assign your experience to a location, click HERE.
About You Page
An important step in the check-in experience, the About You pages collects and displays your guest's personal information, such as name, company, email and phone number. If the guest's data is outdated, they can update their details here during the sign-in process: How do I ask my guests for their contact information?
Host Selection Page
The Host Selection Page allows your guests to pick from a list of employees within your organization and notify them of your arrival. Notifications can be configured to alert hosts via email, SMS or Slack: How do I use the Host Selection Page?
Picture Page
Whether your company has strict security policies or you want to put a face to a name, the Picture Page allows you to take a photograph of the guest as part of the sign-in experience. The Picture Page can also be used to verify additional on-site requirements (i.e. hard hat or work boots): How do I ask my guest for a photo?
Picture Countdown Page
The Picture Countdown page will automatically take a picture after a countdown is complete. This gives your visitors time to fix their hair and smile before the snap is captured without the need for them to push any buttons.
Choice Page
The Choice Page allows you to customize the check-in process by creating unique guest experiences based on the data collected. For example, if you need to collect different information for your job candidates than for your customers, you can use the Choice Page to set them down distinct check-in paths: How do I create a custom experience for different types of Guests?
Guest Sign
Use Guest Sign to enable visitors to securely sign NDAs, waivers, contracts, or other legal documents, directly on the iPad at check-in or even before they arrive. Set expiration dates and check e-signing status - any time, anywhere: How do I upload a document to be signed?
Form Page
Want to learn even more about your guests? The Form Page allows you to add custom questions, text and picklist fields during configuration to collect additional information that may be specific to your audience, organization or visit:
Summary Page
Think of the Summary Page as a complete guest profile. See a unified view of their sign-in information and refer back to their historical data with a simple email lookup. Users can also update personal information, sign in or out and print badges from this page: How can my guests view a summary of their sign in details, sign out, and re-print their badge?
Escorted Sign In
Escorted Sign In gives hosts the ability to validate that they have collected their guests from the lobby by scanning a unique QR code which links them to the sign in record: How Do I Use Escorted Sign-in?
Scanner Page
The scanner page allows you to pull information off of a drivers license or passport: How can I scan a Driver’s License or passport on the iPad?
Video Page
The Video Pages allows you to display video, either from YouTube or an MP4 file hosted in a public location. This page is often used if your guest needs to watch a security or introductory video before entering a meeting or completing a job: How do I show my guests a video when they sign in?
Have a requirement that isn't covered by any of the other pages? Design your own custom page using HTML and CSS: How do I use the HTML page?
Watchlist Check Page
The watchlist check page will send the visitor down a path depending on whether they return any watchlist results: How do I send Watchlisted guests down specific sign-in paths?
Invite Check Page
The invite check page will send the visitor down a path depending on whether they have an invite record: How do I send invited and non-invited guests down different sign-in paths?
Notify Action
The notify action allows custom messages to be sent out to specific recipients using email, SMS and slack: How do I send a notification to a designated person?
Bouncer Action
When it's important to flag visitors who are not on the invite list, the bouncer action can associate a security level and send the appropriate emails when someone attempts to sign in: How do I get notified if an uninvited guest arrives?
Salesforce Field Mapping
Connect your Traction Guest data to the world’s #1 CRM with this highly flexible and customizable integration: How does Traction Guest integrate with Salesforce?
Salesforce One-Step
This action has been replaced by the much more customizable salesforce action. When this legacy action is added to the experience, all sign-in records will be pushed down from Guest to Salesforce in the form of an Activity. Activity Logs will be created under Leads or Contacts depending on whether or not your visitor's e-mail address exists as a Contact in Salesforce (Guest creates a new lead if the contact doesn't exist). If the contact exists, the guest must also enter a Company name which matches an existing Account in Salesforce for the activity to be logged: How does Traction Guest integrate with Salesforce?
Guest Connect Action
The guest connect action allows admins to set up custom http requests from their guest devices or the guest server in order to push and pull data from other source systems. Additionally, the response from these calls can be parsed and used in subsequent guest connect calls allowing for a great degree of customization: How do I create custom connections with external systems? (Guest Connect, Webhooks, Web Requests)