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How do I use the Host Selection Page?
Reg Gray avatar
Written by Reg Gray
Updated over a week ago

When your guests sign in on the iPad, they can choose their hosts in a Host Selection Page. This can be added to your Experience through the Kiosk Experience Editor. Additionally, you can configure the types of notifications that will be sent your hosts (email, sms, and slack) when a visitor encounters this page through their sign-in flow. These notifications will be sent after your guest has completed their sign-in.

Guests can be presented with specific groups of hosts depending on their reason for visiting, and you can choose whether or not to display a list of hosts or force your guests to type in the host's name or email in full.

This article discusses the settings you can configure in the Host Selection Page. For more information on adding hosts to your account, click HERE.

The sections covered below are:

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The title is displayed near the top of the iPad's screen and is the description of what you would like the guest to select. Traditionally, this has been used to ask visitors to select their host, however you can write any instructions you'd like.

For example, you may add one Host Selection page for selecting the person they are here to visit and then add a separate page to allow your guests to select which country they are from.

Host Group

The Host Group selection allows you to choose which group of hosts is displayed when your guests reach this page on the iPad. Click on the dropdown list to choose between any of your existing host groups. By default, the Host Group is set to display all hosts.

When the guest arrives at the Host Selection page in the app, they will be able to search for and select any member or item included in that group. For more information on host groups, click HERE.

When inviting your guests, you have the option of pre-selecting a host for your visitor. Hosts are also automatically pre-selected if the user who invites the guest matches the name/email of an existing host.

If auto-select hosts from invites is enabled, the host selection page will automatically choose the pre-selected host for your visitor.

If the preference is disabled, guests will be able to see all of the members and scroll through the list.

Skip Page if Auto-Selected

Enabling skip page if auto-selected will bypass the host selection page entirely if your guest has a pre-selected host in their invite. This host will be automatically selected and your visitor will not have the ability to change or view that selection on the host selection page.

Host Search Result

Host search result controls when you allow your hosts' names to be visible on the iPad. You can choose between Partial Match and Exact Match.

Partial Match allows your hosts to appear on the iPad after the visitor has entered the first three characters of their name or email. Additionally, choosing the 'Allow Host Browsing' option will simply display a scrollable list of all visible hosts.

Exact Match requires your visitor to enter your hosts' exact email address before allowing them to choose a host. Enabling 'Autocomplete Domain' allows you to pre-determine the domain address, saving your guests from needing to do so themselves.

For example, if your company's domain is and all hosts use that domain in their email address, your visitor simply needs to type the portion of the email address that comes before the '@' symbol.

Add Notification

You can send a custom notification to any hosts selected in a Host Selection Page via email, SMS or Slack. Once you click on the “Add Notification” button, you will have the ability to select any of the options. You can add as many as you would like (eg. send both an email and sms notification to your hosts). The message can be customized for each option and in each experience. For specific instructions on adding each type of notification, click HERE.

Email Notifications require you to select a pre-built template. For more info, click HERE.

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