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How To Use The Watchlist Check Page
Reg Gray avatar
Written by Reg Gray
Updated over a week ago

Through the Watchlist Check Page, you are able to send guests down different sign-in flows depending on what color Watchlist they are on. This allows you to customize the sign-in experience for each of the four Watchlist colors: Red, Orange, Yellow, and Green. This check can reference both your Internal and 3rd Party Watchlists and happens entirely in the background.

Click HERE to learn more about internal Watchlists. Click HERE to learn more about third party Watchlists.

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Using the Watchlist Check Page

Simply add the page into your flow like you would add any other page in the experience editor. Learn more about the Experience Editor HERE.


Just like a Choice Page, you are able to customize each individual path to fit your requirements. A key difference is that the guest will not be able to choose the path they go down. This happens entirely in the background. Learn more about the Choice Page HERE.

By default, you are presented with two options: Offline and No Match.


The Offline path allows you to customize a sign-in path in the event that the iPad goes offline. When offline, the iPad can still collect sign-ins but cannot reference your watchlists through the cloud. You can customize your sign-in process if this occurs.

The No Match Path allows you to create a custom path if a non-watchlisted guest signs into your lobby. Unless your internal policies dictate otherwise, it is likely that the majority of your guests will not be on a watchlist when they sign into your location. If so, this is the path that the majority of them will go down.

Adding Colors

You have the option of adding the four watchlist colors allowed by Traction Guest. It is up to your team to determine what those four colors indicate.

Simply click on the color(s) that you would like to add. It is important to note that if a guest is set up to be on two or more different watchlist colors, the sign-in flow will send them down the top-most color on the Watchlist Check Page.

For example, let's say we have a guest on both the green and red internal watchlist. If my Watchlist Check Page has the green path set up above the red path, your double-watchlisted guest will go down the green path on the iPad.

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