Planner Data Export - eksempel (DK)
Closing days / Public holidays
How to use required resources
Different Data export methods from Planner
Best practise on how to create a new tenant in a multicompany house
Book on behalf - how to setup the book on behalf right so it is limited to specific people - for example a common mailbox or a single company
Resource filter and how to make the reports show what you want them to show
Resource notifications
Quick Access Pronestor Planner 8.0 on your phone
Configuring Room Cancellation Notification
Configuring hourly pricing for room resources
How to customize/add more text to your email notifications from Planner
How to limit meeting rooms, catering other equipment to specific users
How to use preparation and follow up time that is only activated by specific orders
How to connect department, billing account, and meeting type to the users
Dataudtræk fra Planner
Användarguide för Planner 2018
Brugervejledning til Planner 2018
Using Bookings
User Guide for Planner
Email notifications for Planner 8.0 - FAQ
New feature from Microsoft and our compatibility
How To Book Meetings Using The Planner Web Portal
(v2) Secretary - guide
(v2) User Guide (Legacy Planner Guide)
(v2) Create a new report
(v2) Meeting Activity Overview
(v2) Visitor Boarding Card
(v2) Email notifications coming from Planner
(v2) Reports
(v2) Bookings
(v2) Export to CSV/Excel
(v2) How to book
(v2) Planner on mobile phone
(v2) Planner Scheduling assistant feature