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How Do I Add A Person To The Watchlist or Safe List?
How Do I Add A Person To The Watchlist or Safe List?
Reg Gray avatar
Written by Reg Gray
Updated over a week ago

Sign In Enterprise allows you to create an internal watchlist to flag individuals based off of their name or email when they are invited or sign-in. Additionally, you can add individuals to a safe list to prevent people with common names from being false flagged. Safe Lists require an exact email address for precise identification.

We also integrate with a number of third party external watchlists which you can learn about HERE.

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Creating a Watchlist Entry

In the left navigation bar, click the flag icon to access the Watchlists page. Then, click the Create Watchlisted Person button in the top-right corner. Choose between one of the four watchlist colors: RED, GREEN, ORANGE, and YELLOW.

Note: The colors do not have any inherent meaning to them by default. It is up to you internally to determine what these indicate when applied to a guest.

Add an email, full name, or both. We highly recommend adding an email address to prevent false flags. Optionally, you can add a drivers license, watchlist notes, and photo to provide more information about the individual.

Alternatively, you can add someone to the Safe List which will guard them against false flags. To learn more about the Safe List, check out the section below.

Watchlist Add Example.png

For a watchlist to trigger, the guest's information will have to match either the name or the email that you've entered in the watchlist entry. For example, let's say you've created a watchlist entry with the name 'John Smith' and the email '[email protected]'. To trigger the watchlist, the guest will need to enter either 'John Smith' or '[email protected] on the iPad.

Creating a Safe List Entry

In addition to creating watchlist entries, you can also add individuals to the Safe List. This is handy to prevent falsely flagged guests, either through internal or external watchlist hits, from being caught up in your usual watchlist processes.

For example, lets say John Smith is red watchlisted in your system. However, you also know of another John Smith who has been previously vetted and okayed by your team. The Safe List feature allows you to add John Smith, alongside his exact email, to ensure that he is not triggering your red watchlist processes.

To create a Safe List entry, click the Create Watchlisted Person button in the top-right corner of the watchlist page. Then, select the Safe option the watchlist color drop down.

NOTE: It is mandatory to add an email address. Additions to the Safe List are matched strictly by exact email matches. For precise identification, automatic name matching is disabled.

Safe List Example.png

Uploading a CSV

You can bulk add individuals to your watchlists and safe list through a CSV Upload.

Click the Import button in the to-right corner of the Watchlist Page. Click the Download Template button to download a blank CSV with our headers pre-formatted.

The headers in the top row of the CSV include:

  • first_name

  • last_name

  • email

  • colour

  • notes

In the Colour column, type one of these five options for each entry:


  • RED



  • SAFE

CSV Upload Watchlist.png
CSV Watchlist Headers.png

A watchlist can be triggered upon invite or sign-in. When this happens, you will see a watchlist or safe list icon next to the visitor's invite/sign-in record.

If they're on a watchlist, you will see a flag icon with their specific color. If they are on a safe list, you will see a shield icon instead. You can click on any of those icons to see the full details.

Watchlist Guestbook Results.png

If you've chosen emails to be notified when a watchlist color is triggered, those will be sent out as well. Learn how to set up watchlist emails HERE.

Editing and Deleting Watchlist Entries

You can edit and delete existing watchlist entries at any time from the watchlists page. Click the checkbox to the left of an individual. Then, click the Actions button at the top of the list. You can now choose between Edit and Delete.

Note: If you have more than one entry selected, you can only choose Delete to bulk remove more than one entry.

Watchlist Remove and Edit.png
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