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How to use required resources
Reg Gray avatar
Written by Reg Gray
Updated over a week ago

This guide is for facility managers and catering managers. It explains some features of meeting rooms and catering resources that can make it easier to administrate.

Table of contents

Technical terms and explanations

In this guide, I will be using the terms "resource" and "resource category. It is important to know the difference between them, and how they are connected.

A resource is in a resource category. You can book a resource, but not a resource category.

This image shows resource categories and resources.


What does required resources do?

Required resource forces the booker to book something from a specific resource category when they book a specific resource.

This can be used in several ways. (The next chapter will explain how to set it up)

Example A: There is a buffet table near meeting room 1 and everyone who uses that meeting room thinks the buffet is included. It actually isn't, so using required resources, we can make the booker book the "Buffet" catering when they book the meeting room.

Example B: Some of the catering resources require plates and table settings, such as "Lunch" or "Dinner", but others don't, such as "Water" or "Apple".

Using required resources, you can force the booker to book a new resource, "Table setup" when they book "Lunch" or "Dinner". The booker will only be forced to book one "Table setup" so if you want the booker to book a "Table setup" for each person, you will have to name "Table setup pr person" or something like that.

Example C: Some of the catering resources require a delivery fee, such as "Lunch" or "Dinner", but others don't, such as "Water" or "Apple".

Using required resources, you can force the booker to book a new resource, "Delivering fee" when they book "Lunch" or "Dinner". The booker will only be forced to book one "Delivery fee" so this works great if its a one time fee and not pr item.

How to set up required resources

Required resource forces the booker to book something from a specific resource category when they book a specific resource.

For example if you order "dinner" you have to book something from the resource category "Table setup". The rule is satisfied when you pick any resource in the resource category. So if you want it limited to a specific resource, that resource have to be the only resource in the category.

Required resource is setup on individual resources.

Example A: If I want to make the buffet mandatory for bookers booking the meeting room "Resource 1":

  • Create the resource category "Buffet"

  • Create the resource "Buffet" in the resource category "Buffet"

  • Edit the meeting room

  • Click "Other settings"

  • Scroll down to "Not required categories"

  • Click the resource category "Buffet"

  • Click "Add"


  • Don't forget to click save



Example B: If I want to require table setup for the resources "lunch" and "dinner":

  • Create the resource category "Table setup"

  • Create the resource "Table setup" in the resource category "Table setup"




  • Edit the resource "Lunch"


  • Click "Other settings"

  • Click the resource category "Table setup"

  • Click "Add"




  • Don't forget to press save!

  • Repeat the same for the resource "Dinner"

Example C:

This is just like example B, just use delivery fee instead of table setup.

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