Through the SIE Kiosk App, you can email a list of currently signed-in visitors (roll call list) to designated individuals. This gives you another method to see your current sign-ins alongside the Rollcall view in the Guestbook and mobile app.
Adding Roll Call Email Recipients
Within the admin portal, you are able to designate which email addresses receive the roll call list when the email is triggered. This is location-specific and must be designated for each location:
1. Click the Locations tab in the left navigation bar. Select the location you’d like to edit.
2. Click the Preferences button near the top-right corner. Select Alerts and Approvals.
3.Select Add recipient to create a new entry, or click the edit button next to an existing entry.
4. Add your recipient’s email address and toggle on Admin.
Note: The Admin setting also controls whether this email address receives offline alert emails. Click HERE to learn more.
Enabling the Roll Call Button on the iPad
Roll call emails are triggered from an icon in the top-left corner of the iPad App’s Welcome Page. This icon can be set up from the Experience Editor. Simply head into the Welcome Page in your experience and toggle on Enable Roll Call Icon.
To learn more about the Experience Editor, click HERE.
Triggering the Roll Call Email
Now that your recipients have been added and your roll call button has been enabled, you will be able to trigger the email directly from the iPad.
Tap on the roll call icon in the top-left corner of the Welcome Page and tap EMAIL ROLL CALL.
Note: The EMAIL ROLL CALL button can only be triggered once every 10 minutes.
Your recipients will then receive an email showing all currently signed-in guests for the iPad's location: