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How to limit meeting rooms, catering other equipment to specific users
How to limit meeting rooms, catering other equipment to specific users
Reg Gray avatar
Written by Reg Gray
Updated over a week ago

It's possible to limit the resources in Planner to specific people. That way only specific people can order a meeting room or catering.

It is done through the VIP function. This guide covers how to do it for meeting rooms, but it is the exact same procedure for catering and other equipment.

Go to your Planner administration module and choose Resources


The meeting rooms that should be limited need to be in the same category. In this guide I will make the two rooms in Auditorier limited to the users Jan Meyer.

Go to the resource category that needs to be limited and click the > button


Toggle VIP on (blue) and press Update


The resources in the category are now limited. You can only see them if you are a member of the VIP group Auditorier. The group has a little crown to show that it is locked for regular users.


Don't forget to give users access to the VIP group. If you are using Active Directory import you can link an Active Directory group to this new VIP group. See the Active Directory guide for how to link. Otherwise you can add users to the VIP group in the user tab.

And we're done. The meeting rooms in the category Resource category 1 is limited to the users in the VIP group. The same can be done for catering resource categories and other equipment categories.

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