This guide is for the administrator of the solution. It is made with the new Administrative UI, but the same functionality is available in the earlier versions of Planner.
Planner connects users to a department, and the department is connected to billing account and meeting type. This lets the users use the billing accounts and meeting types connected to their departments.
This guides gives some tips and tricks on how to connect department, billing account, and meeting type to the users in practical ways.
This guide will show you how to let every user use every billing account and every meeting type, but also how to limit which billing account or meeting type the users can use. This can be used to force the users to choose the correct billing account or meeting type for their meeting.
Table of contents
Administrative rights to Planner
How to connect every billing account and meeting type to all users
This is the simple setup, where every user can choose every billing account and every meeting type. It requires less upkeep, but you risk the users choosing something they shouldn't have.
Open Planner
Go to "Organization" in the admininistration area
Choose the "Default" department
Connect every billing account to the "Default" department
Connect every meeting type to the "Default" department
Connect every user to the "Default" department
If you're using an Active directory import, this can be done by linking the Active directory group. See the Active directory guide if you want to know how that is done.
How to limit the connection of department, billing account, and meeting type to the users
This setup limits which billing account or meeting type the users can choose. This helps the users choose the right billing account or meeting type, but it requires a little more upkeep. This guide will explain how to set it up with Active directory import or for those where the users create themselves.
First a bit about how the department works to connect billing account and meeting type to the users. Billing account and meeting type works exactly alike, so I will go over billing accounts.
Users don't get a billing account directly. They get a department, and the department has a billing account.
A user can have more than one department.
A department can have more than one billing account.
A billing account can be connected to more than one department.
There are several ways you can combine this. Here are some examples, which focus on billing account but the same can be done for meeting types:
Option 1
Create departments that reflect your companys departments. Lets say it's the Sales department.
Create a department called Sales.
Connect the billing accounts that the users from the sales department are allowed to use to the Sales department in Planner.
Connect the meeting types that the users from the sales department are allowed to use to the Sales department in Planner.
Connect the users from the sales department to the Sales department in Planner.
If you're using an Active directory import, this can be done by linking the Active directory group. See the Active directory guide if you want to know how that is done.
Repeat for every department in your organization.
Option 2
Create a department for every company that resides in a company house. Let's say it's the company "Acme" as an example.
Create a department called Acme.
Connect the billing accounts that the users from the Acme company are allowed to use to the Acme department in Planner.
Connect the meeting types that the users from the Acme company are allowed to use to the Acme department in Planner.
Connect the users from the Acme company to the Acme department in Planner.
If you're using an Active directory import, this can be done by linking the Active directory group. See the Active directory guide if you want to know how that is done.
Repeat for every company in the company house.
Option 3
Create a department for every billing account. It's useful if you don't use departments in Planner and wish to connect users directly to a billing account. Let's say you have 3 billing accounts in your solution, Administration, IT, and Sales.
Create a department named Administration.
Connect the billing account Administration to the department Administration.
Create a department named IT.
Connect the billing account IT to the department IT.
Create a department named Sales.
Connect the billing account Sales to the department Sales.
You can now connect these departments, and through them the billing accounts, directly to the users.
If you're using an Active directory import, this can be done by linking the Active directory group. See the Active directory guide if you want to know how that is done.
If the users, Mary, is a member of the departments IT and Sales, she can use the billing accounts of IT and Sales, but not the billing account Administration.
If the users, Claire, is a member of the departments Administration and Sales, she can use the billing accounts Administration and Sales, but not the billing account IT.