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CSV Seems to Be Malformed
Reg Gray avatar
Written by Reg Gray
Updated over a week ago

When uploading an invite CSV into a location, Sign In Enterprise requires certain fields to be added within an invite record. This article discusses common errors relating to the CSV seems to be malformed pop-up.

If you are not already familiar with the Invite CSV upload process, check out THIS article first.

If you are seeing a notice which states Could Not Upload Invites Due to Validation Errors, check out THIS knowledge article for troubleshooting regarding that specific error.

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CSV Seems to be malformed.png

This error typically relates to an issue regarding the dates and times included within your CSV. Start Date and Start Time, using the start_date and start_time headers are always required. If you add a start date and time, but no end date or time, the invite will be automatically uploaded for a 24 hour period.

You will receive the CSV seems to be malformed error if either the start date or start times are missing.

No End Date and Time.png

Additionally, if your end date or time occurs prior to the start date, you will a sub-error which states: Correct the end date so it's after the start date on row ***.

NOTE: The row number indicated in the error may not account for the headers at the top of your CSV. This is dependent on the software/app being used.

For example, if you are using excel or google sheets, the headers at the top of the spreadsheet count as a row. So if the error in SIE indicates 'row 1', look for an error held in row 2 of your spreadsheet instead.

Correct Start Date.png
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