When your guests sign in, they’ll be able to choose from a list of hosts. This list of hosts is typically made up of the employees in your organization. They can be separated into different groups by location, job function, or anything that makes the most sense for you. You may need to consult with HR or IT for this information.
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You can import the following host information into Traction Guest:
Only the bold fields are required, all others are optional.
First Name
Last Name
E-mail Address – for receiving e-mail notifications from Guest
Department – Shown when the guest chooses a host, can be job title
Group – Can be by location, job function, or any other group. You can allow your guest to choose from specific groups when they sign in depending on their choices/experience.
Alternate E-mail Address – for receiving duplicate e-mail notifications from Guest
Mobile Number– for receiving SMS/text notifications from Guest
Alternate Mobile Number – for receiving duplicate SMS/text notifications from Guest
Text Message Preference – Yes or No
You can also add a photo to your host profile manually. If you wish to do so, you’ll need to gather these photos as well (under 500kb in size).
Adding Hosts
There are 3 ways to import your hosts:
1. Manually One-by-One
2. Spreadsheet (csv file) upload
3. Active Directory sync
Manual Entry
To manually add a host, click on the Create host button on the right-hand side and then input your host's details in the box that pops up. First name, last name, and email are mandatory fields. If you'd like that host to receive SMS notifications, make sure that Enable SMS notification is on.
The Suppress Primary Email button will block notifications being sent out to the primary email if you have a second email inputted in the Alternate Email field. This can be helpful if you'd like to have a host's assistant notified instead of the selected host.
For a bulk upload of hosts, you can upload a CSV spreadsheet with the relevant fields included as headers.
The CSV template can be accessed from the Upload CSV button in the top-right corner of the Hosts page.
The spreadsheet will contain headers in the following format:
mobile ("+ your country code" in front of the number. For USA and Canada, this is "+1")
sms_enabled (TRUE for on, left blank or FALSE for off)
hidden (Toggles off a host being able to be seen on the iPad, set to FALSE by default)
Import your Hosts
To import your hosts, click back into the Upload CSV section and find your file from your computer.
Additionally, there are two options that will automatically remove hosts/groups depending on the contents of your CSV:
Remove hosts not in CSV: Deletes any hosts already in your SIE account that are not present in the CSV you are uploading.
Reassign Groups: Removes hosts from existing host groups that are not included in your new host group upload.
Automate Host uploads
If your company has your employees stored in an Active Directory, your IT department can schedule a PowerShell script to run on a regular basis that will automatically upload new employees as hosts and delete employees that no longer work for your company.
You can learn more about automating your Host uploads HERE.
Your Customer Success manager would be happy to work with your IT department to make sure this automatic upload works properly.
Additional Host Options
Click the checkbox next to a host or group of hosts for additional options in the top-right corner:
Manage Groups
Convert to User - Learn more about Creating Users HERE
Delete selected host(s)
Grouping Hosts
Host Groups allow you to break your hosts into specific batches so that only certain employees are visible on the iPad depending on your sign-in path or location. For example, if you only want your iPad to display hosts from a specific location or even a specific department in your company, Host Groups gives you this option as you build out your sign-in experience.
There are two ways to create a group:
Select the checkbox next to a host's name, then click on the Manage Groups icon. You can then create a new group or add/remove the host from an existing Group.
Click the New Group button under the Host Groups section.
In the experience editor, you can then choose what group is visible from the host selection page. Click HERE to learn more about the host selection page.
Edit your Hosts
After you've uploaded your Hosts, you can edit their details at any time. Simply go to the Hosts tab then click on the host's name to edit their details. This is also where you can upload pictures of your hosts.
You can also add a host to a new/existing group from the csv upload.