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How do I use Visitor Management in a multi-language environment?
How do I use Visitor Management in a multi-language environment?
Reg Gray avatar
Written by Reg Gray
Updated over a week ago

When visitors encounter a sign-in experience, whether on the iPad or Registration portal, most of the text they encounter will have been added through the experience editor. This means that you have control over what language is presented for each page by editing the visitor-facing text fields.

If you need to give your visitors a choice between languages, your best tool is the Choice Page. The Choice Page allows you to split off your experience into multiple paths depending on a selection made by the visitor. If you are not already familiar with the Choice Page, check out THIS article.

The sections in this article include:

Configuring The Choice Page

In this case, the Choice Page will be configured to ask the visitor to choose their language. You can then configure the paths afterwards to present information in the languages of your choosing:

  1. Create a Choice Page after the Welcome Page.

  2. In the Title field, ask for the visitor's preferred language (eg. "Idioma Preferido / Preferred Language")

  3. Create a new choice for each language option.

  4. Create your sign-in flows to reflect the chosen language. The majority of the differences will be the text you enter in each visitor-facing field.

Adding Country Flags

For additional context, the Choice Page also allows you to upload any image alongside each choice button. Use this to display a country flag indicating a language choice:

  1. Click Upload Image under a choice page option.

  2. Upload the image of a flag that represents the language.

  3. Turn on Enable Image.

  4. Ensure Display Text in Choice is enabled.

  5. Optionally, to the right of the choice page text, change the icon to be blank (Click the top-left option in the icons library). This will ensure that the choice only displays the language and flag.

  6. Repeat the process for each language.

A Note On System Languages

There are a few areas in the kiosk app that cannot be edited in the experience editor. This involves system prompts like error messages and some unconfigurable buttons. These messages will automatically take the language that you've set for your iPad's language settings.

Because you can only choose one at a time, we recommend selecting the language that the majority of your visitors will require. We natively support:

  • English

  • Indonesian

  • Traditional Chinese

  • Simplified Chinese

  • German

  • Russian

  • Swedish

  • Dutch

  • French

  • Japanese

  • Spanish

  • Portuguese

  • Vietnamese

For example, the default fields in the About You Page is controlled by the iPad's language settings, following the list above. As an alternative, the Form Page can be configured to ask the same questions, but with your custom visitor-facing text fields.

In this case, you will use those fields to manually add the language of the visitor's choosing. For more information on configuring the Form Page to mirror the About You Page, click HERE.

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