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GuestConnect Use Cases and Possibilities
GuestConnect Use Cases and Possibilities
Reg Gray avatar
Written by Reg Gray
Updated over a week ago

GuestConnect allows a Sign In Solutions administrator to integrate with any number of external systems. This article will show some examples of how GuestConnect can be used. If you have a system you want to integrate with, reach out to your customer success advocate to explore the possibility.

To learn more about general set up of the GuestConnect action, click HERE.

Some proven use cases:

  1. Automatic importing visitor data into other systems (Spreadsheets, SQL servers, etc.)

  2. Instant Messaging notifications with HipChat

  3. Internet of Things (IoT) / Smart Device connections

  4. Wi-Fi provisioning through Cisco ISE

  5. Subscription management through MailChimp (opt-in or opt-out)

  6. External watchlists (Finscan, TradeSphere, etc.)

  7. Emergency notification systems (Everbridge)

  8. Much more - contact us with ideas of new custom integrations

Automatic Visitor Data Import

Wherever you want your visitor data to live, Sign In Solutions can make sure it gets there.
The only requirements are:
1. A REST API that GuestConnect can point towards
2. Must be able to accept JSON or XML web request
3. Non OAuth2 authorization

We have seen users push data to systems like Google Sheets (via a Google script), Airtable, even a local SQL server via a PHP endpoint.
Some systems are more user friendly than others, but as long as it has the three requirements above, GuestConnect can work with it.

Instant Messaging Notifications

If you have a notification system that does not have a tile on the integrations page, GuestConnect can work with IM systems for internal communications of a visitor's arrival.

Internet of Things / Smart Devices Connections

Looking to have more things happen when visitors show up? Leveraging Smart Devices can go a long way to have your space become more vibrant.
Someone waiting in the lobby? Have a light turn on.
A delivery arrive? Have a speaker chime to get someone's attention.
VIP arrives? A smart coffee machine could have their drink waiting for them.

One fun example that we use in our lobby is Nanoleaf light panels.
Changing the color of the lights depending on the choice the visitor makes in the experience. This way anyone that sees the lobby knows the reason that the visitor is there.
Additional this use case can be used if you have an unmanned reception area. Employees can see when a light turns on which signals that a visitor has started interacting with the iPad.

Wi-Fi Provisioning

Setting up Cisco ISE to automatically provision temporary wifi passwords for guests requires a bit of work in the Cisco admin portal as well. Follow the steps in this knowledge article dedicated to Cisco ISE integration setup:

Subscription Management through MailChimp

Field mapping visitor entered values opens up the opportunity to automatically push their details to other systems. Whether it be a CRM system, Marketing Automation, or just external database.

One specific example of this is MailChimp. Asking your visitor whether or not they want to be subscribed to a regular newsletter.

External Watchlists

While Sign In Solutions does provide the ability to have an internal watchlist (learn more about this HERE) and some out-of-the-box external watchlists (learn about those HERE), you may want to integrate with a different 3rd party watchlist.

GuestConnect has already been used to integrate with watchlist systems like Finscan and Tradesphere without having to go through a new development cycle to accomplish these integrations.

The one thing to keep in mind with this specific kind of integration is that Sign In Solutions will not manage the alert notifications when a match is found with a 3rd party watchlist via GuestConnect.

Emergency Notification Systems

While Sign In Solutions does have some emergency alert features found in the rollcall view of the guestbook (learn more about that HERE), you may want to integrate with a system that is dedicated to this functionality.

A proven example of this is Everbridge:

After a visitor signs out, you can even remove them from Everbridge:

The Possibilities Continue...

The wonderful thing about GuestConnect is that it is built to work with almost any system with an open API using basic auth credentials.
As long as their is an API you can hit with a standard HTTP web request, we can integrate.

We will update this list in the future as more interesting use cases surface, but be creative and have fun with what you can do to welcome your visitors!

Want GuestConnect activated in your account?
Reach out to [email protected]

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