Account-wide account settings can be found within the preferences page in your account. Most preferences will apply to all locations in your account, such as data retention, SSO settings, auto-sign-out, and more.
This article gives a high-level overview of the settings on this page. More detailed articles on the specific sections mentioned below can be found by following the provided links.
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To access the Preferences Page, click the gear icon in the top-right corner of your account. Then, select Preferences.
Within the Preferences page, you can control:
Domain Registration, SAML Configuration, and Default Permission Bundle
SCIM Host Provisioning
SMTP Configuration
API Tokens
Integrations and IT Settings
Domain Registration, SAML Configuration, and Default Permission Bundle
To help create and manage users in your Visitor Management account, you can integrate with a Single Sign On Identity Provider (IdP) which routes the sign-in process through your employees' SSO credentials.
Within the Preferences page, the three sections that deal with this integration are:
The links above can be found within our overall SSO/SAML Configuration article HERE.
SCIM Host Provisioning
The SCIM integration allows you to provision hosts through an Identity Provider. This is an alternate method to a CSV or Active Directory upload. For more information, check out our article HERE.
SMTP Configuration
By default, emails that are sent to your guests and hosts come from [email protected]. This can be changed to a custom email address and configured per location. The SMTP Configuration setting is where most of the setup takes place. Check out our knowledge article HERE.
API Tokens
If you are still using our V2 API, this is where you can generate an Invite or Host token. Most commonly, this is still mainly used to provision hosts through our Active Directory integration. For more information, check out THIS article.
System Settings
This section controls the color and logo that appears for certain emails. While most account emails can be edited through our Email Template Editor, a small number of system emails cannot be edited except for the settings in this section. The most commonly used example is the branding for the Apple/Google Wallet emails. For more information, check out THIS article.
Auto Sign-Out
You can choose a specific number of hours for Traction Guest to automatically sign-out a guest after their sign-in time (if they haven't been signed-out already). This will apply to all locations throughout your account. Remember to click SAVE when you're done.
Additionally, if you are using the Event location-type, there's a separate toggle to apply the auto sign-out feature for these locations.
Visitor Data Retention
The Data Retention feature allows you to delete visitor information after a set time frame. This can apply to all of your locations. For customers on the Complete Tier, you can choose different data deletion policies for specific locations also. For more info, check out THIS article.
SMS Settings
This section is the master setting that controls whether or not you're able to send hosts an SMS notification. While this can be controlled for each individual host, you must ensure this is on if you'd like SMS notifications available to you. For more information on host notification settings, check out THIS article.
Customer Success Access
This section allows you to provide our customer success team with temporary access into your account. We may ask for this to be enabled to assist with troubleshooting our account setup. For more information, click HERE.