All bookings in Pronestor Planner must have a meeting type. If you only have 1 meeting type, it will automatically be set for all bookings. Meeting types can:
Help differentiate between different types of meetings
Be relevant for cost handling
Be linked to a specific department
To manage meeting types:
Create a new one by choosing "New meeting type" in the right corner
Edit an existing one by clicking the pencil in Actions
All options will be described on the following pages.
Description of "Meeting types" category
Name: Should be helpful for the users, to ensure they pick the right one.
Id: May be relevant if used for invoicing. Will not be visible for users.
Participants required: Activate this if the number of participants is relevant for this meeting type.
Active: Used to activate or deactivate a meeting type.
Is default: Used for new customers who import meetings from another system. When importing meetings they must have a Meeting type set, which will be this one.
Departments: Use this to specify which departments should be able to use this meeting type.
Meeting Type Options
Below are the different meeting types and additional options that apply to all meeting types:
Note Required: Forces users to enter a note for all meeting types
Regular Expression for Note: Allows a specific format for the note, e.g. ABCD-1234. The solution will not validate data, only the format
Note Tooltip: Helps users enter the right information by providing a helpful tooltip