In Meeting settings, there are various options, which will be described in the next pages.
Meeting Participant Requirements
Participants required: External/internal participants required can be used to force users to fill in the number of internal or external participants in the meeting. It’s not necessary to enter names, just the number.
Options for Adding Participants in Planner:
The three options in the second box determines what data a user must enter when they add participants in Planner.
Mark new participants as private: This is an old feature that is no longer used and will soon be removed.
Company for participants is required: If this is activated, users must enter which company their meeting participants are from.
Email for participants is required: If this is activated, users must enter the email address of all meeting participants.
!! Note: These fields are not relevant when meeting participants are added through Outlook.
Participants required on expenses: You can use this to ensure that users must specify the participants for a meeting, if there is a cost related to the meeting.
Automatically remove inactive attendees: By activating this, you will ensure that meeting participants’ data (name, email), will be anonymized if they have been inactive (i.e., not invited to meetings) in the chosen time period.
Automatically remove inactive guests: By activating this, you will ensure that external guests’ data (name, email), will be anonymized if they have been inactive (i.e., not invited to meetings) in the chosen time period.
Distinguishing Internal and External Participants:
If you choose the first one, the participant's email (domain) will determine whether they are registered as internal or external participants.
The middle one will mark an attendee as internal if he/she exists in the database of the solution.
If you choose the third one, a participant will be categorized as internal if he/she is created as a user in the solution and has the same primary location as the meeting owner.
Meeting Notifications Settings
Notifications: Send notifications to contact only can be activated if only contact persons should receive notifications for meetings. The meeting owner will not receive notifications.
Send past meeting mail: When activating this, the solution will send notifications for meetings that are updated after they have been held. We recommend activating this, as this will ensure notifications for meeting owner if the Catering manager makes updates to the order.
Send Visitor Boarding Card by default: This must be activated if the Visitor Boarding Cards are to be sent for all meetings. If deactivated, users can manually send the VBC for relevant meetings.
Meeting Title Required
This is relevant for meetings created in Planner web, and will require users to enter a meeting title for all meetings
Note, Warnings, Display, and Prices
Meeting note
These two types of notes can be activated and will be visible in the check out tab:
A meeting note used for any kind of information about the meeting
A meeting note which is mandatory when there are costs associated with the meeting
Both meeting notes can be activated at the same time.
Warnings text
If the number of participants for a meeting exceeds the capacity of the room, the text entered here will be shown to the user. This is just for information and will not prevent the user from booking the room.
Display screen
When this function is activated, all meetings booked in Planner will be displayed on the corresponding info screens, if you use the Display solution.
If activated, users will be able to book a room for shorter time than the duration of a meeting. This may be relevant for a full-day meeting, where you book a room for the entire duration, as well as booking one or two rooms to break out sessions during the day, you can, e.g., book them from 13.00-14.00 in the same booking.
Booking prices
Several options determine the information shown to bookers.
If relevant, it’s possible to hide prices and just show the name of the catering.
Decide if or how to show information about VAT. Note that this will affect all locations in the solution.
Meeting location
If this is deactivated, a booking will always start on the location that is the primary location for each user. If you activate this feature, a booking will always start on the location the user booked on last time.