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(v2) User Guide (Legacy Planner Guide)
(v2) User Guide (Legacy Planner Guide)
Reg Gray avatar
Written by Reg Gray
Updated over a week ago

How do I log in?

When you arrive at Pronestor Planner you will see the login page. In order to login, you have to use the username and password, which you will have received from the solution by mail. After inputting the login information you have to click Login to get started booking meetings.

If you have to create your own account, please click here to go to the relevant guide.


How do I create a user?

This feature is only available if your system administrator has enabled it.

When you arrive at Pronestor Planner you will see the login page. Click on Click here to create new account.

In the account creation view, you will be asked to fill in your first name, last name, email address, initials and phone number, and then you have to click Create. A message will now notify you about the account creation and the email that has been sent to your email address.


I forgot my password. How do I acquire a new?

If you happen to forget your password it is possible for you to acquire a new password from the login page. All you have to do is click the Forgot password?, and then you will - after inputting your email address and clicking Send - receive a new password by email.


How do I make sure that I do not have to login every time I need to use Pronestor?

If you would rather not have to login using username and password every time you use Pronestor Planner, then you can check the setting, Stay logged in, on the login page when you login.


How do I get started with my first meeting?

The first time you login of course you need to familiarize yourself with My Calendar - your personal meeting calendar. In My Calendar, you have an overview of the meetings that you have created and you are free to navigate between dates. You can either do this by scrolling down the page (future dates will load dynamically), or by using the date picker in the topmost left corner. When you have found the needed date you can click Create Meeting to get started.

In the following sections, we are focusing on how you book rooms, catering and equipment, as well as how to find the fields and features that you need.


How do I see details for a meeting?

When you are in My Calendar, you might just want to see details for existing meetings. To do so, all you have to do is click on one of the meetings in My Calendar and you will be presented with the details of that specific meeting.


How do I reschedule an existing meeting?

Sometimes you may need to change the date and/or time of your meeting. In My Calendar, you can hover a meeting with your cursor (or slide in from the right on your mobile phone) to get the action buttons displayed. To reschedule your meeting, click the grey "Reschedule Meeting" button and the meeting will open with date and time selection expanded. When you select a new date and/or time for your meeting, we will check the availability of your bookings for the new meeting time. If a booking is unavailable at the new time, we will guide you through a subsequent rescheduling confirmation.


How do I delete an existing meeting?

Deleting your meeting is fairly straightforward. All you have to do is hover your meeting with your cursor (or slide in from the right on your mobile phone) to display the action buttons. After clicking the red "Delete Meeting" button, you will be asked to confirm the deletion. Click OK and your meeting is deleted.


How do I create a meeting series from an existing meeting?

Creating a series of meetings with similar bookings in Pronestor Planner is very easy. Hover your cursor over the meeting (or slide in from the right side on your mobile phone) and click the blue "Recur Meeting" button to open the configuration wizard. You can choose from Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly and Specific Dates - each selection having different configurations.


How do I book a room?

Click Add bookings from an open Outlook appointment or Create Meeting via Web, and select the Facilities tab.

Choose the time span of the reservation and click on the timeline in the blue marking (your selected time span) on the room you want to book. When clicking, the room is added to your reservation. You can now choose to book more resources for your reservation, or you can go to Check out. Here you will see what you ordered, and you can complete the reservation. You can also choose to complete the reservation directly from the timeline by clicking on the Complete booking icon on the booked room.


How do I book catering?

Click Add bookings from an open Outlook appointment or Create Meeting via Web, and select the Catering tab.

Choose the time of the reservation, and order the amount you need by clicking on +/- or by inputting the amount directly into the field. Once you have added the catering items you need, click 'Order' and the selected items will be added to your reservation, which you can see in Check out. You can now complete the reservation, or you can add more items to your reservation.

NOTE: If a catering item stands for 'Not available’, it is often times due to reservation date within the catering items ordering deadline.


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Where can I set a new delivery place for my catering items?

If you have booked a room for the reservation, this room will show up as the primary delivery place in the Catering tab. If you would like to book your catering items to a different delivery place than the booked room, you can click 'Choose alternative Delivery place’ and select the delivery place, which you want your catering items to be ordered to.


Where do I choose a new time of delivery?

You can choose a new time of delivery within the reservations time interval, by selecting the wished time in the drop down menu in the Catering tab. You can also create multiple delivery times for a reservation, called servings, by ordering items, then select a new time of delivery, and order new items. Your servings will be listed in the Catering tab and in Check out.


How do I book equipment?

The Equipment tab can be found in the topmost part of the bookingflow to the right of Facilities and Catering. Equipment resources are booked the same way as Facility resources - either by clicking on the resource name in the left side or by clicking the resource row within the meeting period delimiters marked by blue vertical lines.


How do I make a reservation with multiple locations?

"Locations" is available from the top left corner of your booking flow.

You can now change or add locations by clicking the globe icon found in the top left corner. This will open the list of available locations, and allow you to change location. If you wish to book on several locations, you can click the checkbox in the top.


How do I complete the booking?

In Check out in the top right corner, you can always get an overview of the reservation including the resources that are booked for the reservation. In Check out there is a ‘Complete booking’ button, which you can click, and the reservation will be saved and closed.


Where do I edit the properties for a room or items in my reservation?

In Check out there is a list of your booked resources. Next to each resource, there is an Edit icon, which you can click on, for more editing options for the resource. In the editing module, you can set payment/billing information, write notes etc., for the resource. When you save, the booking will update with your corrections.


How do I change the table setup?

Book a room and go to Check Out. Click on the edit icon next to the room that you want to give a table setup. Choose a table setup, and click Save.


How do I add an extra delivery service, for example, table setting?

Book a catering item, and click ‘Add extra services’. Check the services you want to apply in ‘Edit service charge’, and click Save.


Where do I enter the number of attendees?

You can specify the number of attendees in various parts of the system. The first place you can specify who is attending your meeting is in the Attendees tab. Here you have the option to specify the number of internal and external attendees, and you have the option of specifying who the attendees are with name, location, company and email address. In the Attendees tab you will also see information about attendees, invited via Outlook.

You can also enter the number of internal and external attendees from Check out, clicking on the Edit icon next to the location where the attendees are. Here you can click +/- for the number of internal and external attendees.


How do I register attendees by name?

In the Attendees tab, you are able to register attendees by clicking Click here to add a new attendee. Afterwards you can input, for example, the email address of the attendees and click Add [attendee email address]. Pronestor Planner will try to deduct the name, email and company name from the input. If the information inserted is incorrect you are able to change it. Whether the attendee is internal or external is deduced from whether the email address is known by Pronestor Planner. You are able to change this as well.

If you are using the Outlook add-in for Pronestor Planner, then the attendees invited from your Outlook appointment will be inserted in a similar manner.


How do I search for attendees?

In Attendees, you are able to search for internal attendees who are already registered as users in the system. Moreover, we collect and save attendees added to your previous meetings, so you can easily add them to your future meetings. You just have to click on Click to add a new guest, input a minimum of three characters from the name or email address of the attendee, and then you will be able to see and choose between the search results.


Where can I change the contact person?

Check out has two views: A simple view, which is the first one to be shown by opening Check out, and a more detailed view, which can be shown by clicking 'View Details' in the bottom of Check out. The 'View Details' includes an option for changing the contact person for each location of your reservation.


Where can I select a billing account?

You can select and change payment/billing account for the whole reservation in the detailed Check out. Here it is also possible to add a payment/billing note. You can also choose a billing account for any requested resource by clicking on the Edit icon next to a resource in Check out. Here you can specify whether the payment is only required for this resource, or it should be applied to all resources in the reservation.


Where can I select Meeting type?

You can select and change the meeting type in the detailed Check out. There is also an option for adding a meeting type note.


How do I change my personal settings?

In My Settings, you can change your personal settings and preferences such as Billing Account (and note), Meeting Type (and note), user interface language, whether you want meeting reminders, change password and contact information. Click on the "My Settings" button in the top of the screen to access these settings.

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