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(v2) API for Pronestor Planner
Reg Gray avatar
Written by Reg Gray
Updated over a week ago

API for Pronestor Planner

This guide describes how to use the API for Pronestor Planner.

Support and development/usage of the API are not included in the service level agreement.

The Pronestor Planner API will ensure access to the Pronestor Planner engine and thereby data for integrations with 3rd. party software, most often finance software that will allow you to ease the process of billing the right cost centers for catering and/or booking fees for resources.

When resources such as catering or meeting rooms have a price attached in Planner, it is often necessary to export the financial data to be used as the basis for invoicing your customers whether they are internal or external.

The API is a tool you can use to integrate with other software. Pronestor makes the API available but we do not create the integrations themselves. Integrations are usually made by a developer, so check with your IT department whether you have someone who has the ability or skills to help with the API integration.

Table of content

How to find your API

Pronestor Planner API Guide

Every Pronestor Planner cloud site has an API interface. The way you access the API depends on your site name. If your site is then you access the API by typing /api.mvc after your site name e.g.

Tip: The site might take a while to load the very first time you access it.

When you access it, there is an explanation of the code commands to assist a developer in creating an integration.

IMPORTANT: Each request must include a cookie with authentication credentials - this can be retrieved using the "Authenticate" method.

Documentation of commands

An overview of methods and types available in the API can be viewed by opening your site API link in a browser.

Example of use

The most common use of Pronestor API is to create an export directly to your finance system - which is described in greater detail in the chapter How to create a Financial Data Export from Pronestor Planner using the API

We have several customers who use the API with room bookings, door-locking integration etc.

The steps below can be used to find the room bookings for the current day, including information on who has booked the rooms during the day:

PLEASE NOTE: Remember to change the customer name in the URLs described below with your reference to your site.

Code example

An example of a C# proxy class is attached at the bottom of this guide.

How to create a Financial Data Export from Pronestor Planner using the API

Basic concepts

The API endpoint is designed so it is easy to pick up where you left off and only get the data that is new to you.

It is also easy to go back and get historical data if you need to fetch data once more.

Important information about API data

Immutable data: The data returned from this API endpoint is always the same and cannot be altered.

Filtering data: All filters must be applied after the client has received the data.

Calling the API endpoint

The endpoint used to get this data is the FindLockedBookings method.

  • startLockTime (mandatory): A date time in UTC formatted like this: 2021-12-01 00:00:00Z

This parameter tells the server to return all bookings locked after this time. The time is exclusive, so it returns all bookings after but not on this time.

  • endLockTime (optional): A date time in UTC formatted like this: 2021-12-31 23:59:59Z

This parameter tells the server to return all bookings locked before this time. The time is inclusive, so it returns all bookings before or at this time.

Rules to follow:

  • The startLockTime must be earlier than the endLockTime.

  • endLockTime must not be in the future. Omit this parameter to get all bookings locked up to now.

  • You cannot request more than 6 months of data in one request.

The data returned

The endpoint returns all bookings locked within the time interval specified by the parameters supplied in the request.

The most up-to-date description of all the properties of a booking can be found on your API site. This is located on your solution like this:

Example requests

Get all bookings locked after November 3rd 2021 at 10.51 UTC.

Get all bookings locked in October 2021.

Remember that all times must be UTC, so this is corrected when specifying your date interval.

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