Server requirements
This topic explains which pre-requisites are required to install Pronestor Display as an on-site installation.
Server - software:
Internet Information Service 7.0 or newer
Microsoft .net 4.8 framework or newer
ASP.NET 4.6 framework
Microsoft Exchange 2016 CU3 or newer/2019/Office 365 or G-Suite (formerly known as Google Apps for Business)
Server - Hardware
CPU min. 4GHZ (min. 4 CPU cores)
Min. 4 GB RAM
Min 500 MB disk space for application files
Tablets requirements
You can use the system from any web browser – like Firefox, Apple Safari, and Chrome web browser. We support Google Chrome as a browser, or our Kiosk browser, and recommend using one of those two.
IMPORTANT – we strongly recommend using professional hardware/digital signs that are made to be used for 24/7 usage, ex. Philips 10BDL4551T or IAdea XDS-1078 due to security reasons. These devices also support PoE, scheduled power on/off (only Philips), and MDM.
We recommend and support professional devices for our displays like:
IAdea (XDS-1078, XDS-1088, or WRP-1000)
Philips Display (10BDL3051T, 10BDL4151T or 10BDL4551T) with the newest firmware update.
When using Android devices, please note that version 4.4 and up is supported. Older versions of Android are not supported.
The default designs are validated to be used with the following devices:
Samsung Tab
Philips Display
For the Meeting activity and Room availability overviews
Pronestor recommends using a Smart TV with an updated browser and preferably a demo mode. Brands with such technical capabilities are among others LG and Samsung. LG carries many models which have these capabilities, we can recommend the LG 49 UN7100 (49 inches) and the LG 75 UN71(75 inches).
Installation on server
Download the installation file from our download site,
-Go to the following path C:\inetpub\wwwroot\
-create a folder called PronestorDisplay
-Unzip the .zip file and put the files in the folder that was created in the previous step.
-Then start the IIS Manager
-Right click on [Sites] and follow the video down below on how to create the Display site as a new site.
Follow the onscreen instructions.
Configure access to your calendar - this guide tells you how
Open “Start-All Programs-Pronestor Display-Launch Pronestor Display”
Installation of License key
The Pronestor Display License is delivered by Pronestor and comes as a .zip file.
Unzip the file and save it.
Go to settings/License in the Pronestor Display solution.
Click on "Insert License" and insert the license file here.
Common issues concerning Microsoft IIS when browsing Pronestor Display from IE. Please take a look at this link: