(only accessible for resource owners)
All bookings of resources can be viewed and edited through the "Bookings"-tab. This function is used for resource owners to view, edit, or lock bookings.
Bookings are grouped within each reservation, so one can see the other relevant resources that are booked for the reservation,
Users with permissions will be able to get an overview of the day’s/period’s deliveries, edit them, and complete the bookings for invoicing.
The list can be filtered on period and other values to make it easy to find and edit the bookings of interest
For each booking displayed in the list, the resource owner can :
View history
The list displays bookings of resources for which the user is responsible. For example, users in the canteen administrator group are responsible for all food and beverages. See more on this under “User administration”. The list can be filtered according to period, meeting owner and whether or not locked bookings are to be displayed. If the user is only responsible for the canteen, the list will only contain meetings and bookings relating to the canteen.
For each booking displayed in the list, the resource owner can edit, delete or lock the booking. The resource owner can also link new bookings to an existing meeting. This can be carried out independently of time limitations, etc., as the changes are made by the resource owner. If a resource owner makes a change, the meeting owner will be sent an e-mail about the change.
If necessary, the resource owner can also create an entirely new meeting and create bookings for the new meeting.
Note!! If a booking is locked and sent to invoicing, it is possible to make a counter-entry here.
Displaying bookings
Select a period.
Select location (only visible if multiple locations are used)
Then click “Update”.
Completing/locking bookings
Edit one or more bookings, e.g. price and quantity.
Click “Lock” under actions to lock the bookings.
By clicking “Lock displayed bookings”, all of the bookings displayed in the list, including any subsequent pages, will be locked.
For all bookings a history tab is now available. This will reveal all the actions performed on a booking, like who has create/updated/deleted a booking, what had been changed and when this was done.
Work process
The resources that have been set to trigger a working process will have a dropdown of all the steps contained in the working process.
Currently an “Approval” process can be chosen for resources. This will trigger a two steps-working process. It will allow resource owners to quickly see new bookings, and by choosing the dropdown, choose whether or not the booking is approved. The step/state will be revealed to the booker, so they can see the state as well.
If a booking is denied – the resource owner will delete the booking. If a booking is approved, the dropdown can be changed to “approved”
Advanced search and filtering
Multiple filter options are available.
Locked bookings:
Show all booking, only locked or only not locked bookings in the list
Recent changes:
Highlight changes – each booking will be label with a new, updated or deleted label if they have been added, update or deleted since the date/time chosen in the date time picker.
Show only bookings that is awaiting approval or is approved
Filter on meeting ID, meeting name/title, meeting owner or resource name