Facility Manager Options
On this tab, the Facility Manager has the following options:
1. See all bookings for a given period
2. Search for specific meetings
3. Create new bookings or open/edit existing meetings
4. Delete rooms booked for a meeting
5. See bookings that await confirmation and approve them
6. Lock meetings
7. See the history for a booking
Viewing Bookings
See all bookings in the desired period
View all orders for a given period using predefined options
Specify a date by entering it in Start and End
Note: Select Custom in Quick to enter a specific date
After selection, click the yellow box to update the search
Create a new or edit an existing booking
Creating a booking as a Facility Manager
Create a booking from the Bookings tab
Click 'Create meeting' to create the booking.
!! Note: Starting the booking here bypasses all rules and deadlines (except for preparation and follow-up time
Managing Bookings as Facility Manager
Create a new or edit an existing booking
As Facility Manager, you can:
Search for a booking
Make necessary updates to it
E.g., update an order after the deadline (Facility Manager only)
Once a meeting is found:
Go to Actions on the right side of the screen
Click the pencil to open the booking
Make the necessary changes and complete the order
This triggers an updated notification to the meeting owner
Updating ordered items
If you just need to change the number of items already ordered, follow these steps:
Simply change the number in the column
Click Enter / Tab
This will automatically update the price.
Notifying Meeting Owner
After making a change an envelope will appear in Actions.
Use this to send an updated notification to the meeting owner.
See Deleted and empty meetings
In Pronestor Planner you can always find deleted or empty meetings, by activating these features in Bookings.
A deleted meeting is a meeting that has been deleted either by the meeting owner or by the secretary.
An empty meeting is a meeting where the resources have been deleted, but the entire meeting still exists.
Delete a room or catering booked for a meeting
If you want to delete the room or catering booked for a meeting, follow these steps:
Search for the meeting.
Go to Actions on the right side, where you have two options:
Click the bin in the grey line - this deletes all the room resources.
If you only need to delete one room, you can simply click the bin of the room.
Notifying Meeting Owner
This will also make the envelope appear, to let you inform the meeting owner about the change.
Approve Bookings
Managing approvals for rooms, catering and equipment
If you have activated Approval for some of the rooms, equipment or catering, you, as the Facility Manager, can find them and approve them.
To manage approvals:
Click Approval on the left side
Choose whether you want to see orders awaiting approval, or those that have already been approved
You must also set the proper Start and End date
Approving Bookings
Step 1: Go to Work Process on the right side.
Step 2: Click to approve the orders.
Meeting Confirmation Process
Once you have done so, the meeting owner will receive an updated notification with the booking approved.
Lock Bookings
Locking Bookings for Invoicing
When you have made all necessary updates to past bookings, you can lock the booking. This will ensure that the bookings can’t be changed and they are ready for invoicing.
This is done using the locks in Actions:
At the top – this will lock all orders on the page.
In the grey bar – this will lock all bookings for this specific meeting.
In the white line – this will lock the specific item of the order.
Changes To Locked Bookings
If a meeting has been locked and exported for invoicing:
It’s no longer possible to unlock or update it
If the meeting hasn’t been exported:
It’s still possible to unlock it by clicking the lock, which reopens it for updates
It’s also possible to:
Change the order by clicking the pencil next to the locked order
Add an extra item line for additions or a minus line for credits
Ensure settlement in the right booking and with the right billing account by updating the same order
!! NOTE: Two types of report layouts have been created, called ‘Paying overview (not locked)’ and ‘Paying overview (locked)’.
Searching For Specific Meetings
Searching for a meeting
If you need to find a specific meeting, it’s possible to search for it, using the following parameters:
Meeting ID
Meeting name
Meeting owner
Resource name
First, select which parameter you want to search for, and then enter the ID/name in the field below.
See The History For A Booking
Tracking changes in orders
It is possible to see all changes made to an order from the time it was created. This allows you to:
Find the booking and go to Actions.
Click on the binoculars in the gray bar to see all changes on all resources booked for the meeting.
Click on the binoculars in one of the white lines to see the history of a single item.