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How to configure visitor web self-registration
How to configure visitor web self-registration
Reg Gray avatar
Written by Reg Gray
Updated over a week ago

This guide is for IT administrators or receptionist who do the initial setup, to ensure the Sign in Workspace Visitor self-registration is configured to your preferences.

Table of content


  • Administrator rights for the Planner Visitor solution

  • Visitor self-registration module

  • A browser

How to open Visitor self-registration

  • Go to your Planner Visitor

  • Click “Administration”

  • Click “Visitor”


The first time you open it, it won't have any locations. It will look like this:


How to create a new location in Visitor self-registration

  • Press the button “New Visitor Self Registration”

  • Enter a name of the location.

In this example, I will call it Location1 to match an existing location in the Planner database. The names don't have to match.

  • Press “Create”.


You get a view like this. Here you can configure the self-registration.


How to enable email notifications

Email notifications are always enabled and will be sent to the host if the host's email is correct in Planner.

You can't edit the email notification.

How to change the location

The “Location” field auto selects a location from your Planner site. Here is how to change it to “Location1” which I had already created in the Planner site.

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Please note: Only users on the chosen location will be available as hosts.

How to connect companies and what it does

When a company is connected to the Visitor Self-registration, the guests can only select a host from those companies. You can connect multiple companies to a Visitor Self-registration location. If no companies are connected to the Visitor Self-registration location, every host is available.

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How to change the language

Visitor Self-registration supports two languages for the machine. In this guide, we will set the Primary language to English and the Secondary language to Danish. You can also set both languages to the same language. Then the guest won't be asked about a language.

The Primary language is the language on the welcome screen. Guests get the option to select the Secondary language during the check-in process.

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You can change the languages here. (3).gif

How to change the Badge Design

Visitor comes with 4 possible badge designs to choose from.

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How to change the screens' timeout intervals

The screen timeout is how long the screen will wait without input before going back to the start screen. It is in seconds.

You can update it with the up and down arrows, or by typing a different number in the field.

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How to enable the car arrival page

When you enable this, the visitor will be asked for their license plate and the car badge will be printed.

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How to change the registration options

The visitor can register with their name, a QR code or a check-in code. The QR code or the check-in code is only relevant if you use Visitor Boarding card in your Planner solution.

Name input: let visitor sign in with name, company, phone – and then choose name of host
QR Code: let visitor sign in via received QR Code (requires visitors to be invited to a meeting via Planner, and Visitor Boarding card activated and sent to the guest.)
Check-in code: let visitor sign in via received Quick code (requires visitors to be invited to a meeting via Planner, and Visitor Boarding card activated and sent to the guest.)

You can select to enable the options in different combinations. In this example, “Name input” is enabled, “QR code” is disabled and “Check-in code” gets enabled.

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How to enable and configure SMS notifications

SMS notifications send an SMS to the host when their visitor checks in. You can enable them here. Don't forget to configure the SMS notifications.

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How to configure SMS notifications

  • Go to “Visitor SMS Settings”.

These settings are for the entire solution, and not just one location.


How to check your SMS credits

SMS Token is your Visitor license and supplied by Sign in Workspace. If the field is empty, please contact [email protected]

You can check that it works and what your SMS credit is by pressing the “Validate SMS Token” button.

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Warning: suppress_email_notification in the appuser database has to be 0 and not null for the user to receive SMS notifications. This can be done with the SQL script.

update appuser set suppress_email_notification = 0 where suppress_email_notification is NULL

How to change the SMS notification sender

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How to update the SMS Text Visitor sends

You can edit the text sent here. You can see how it looks for the receiver in real time underneath. An SMS can contain 160 characters. If you use more than 160 characters in your welcome SMS, you will be charged for multiple SMS'.

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  • Sender: Name to be shown as the sender of the SMS

  • Body: Body text for the SMS

  • Test phone: A test phone number to send a test SMS

You can use the following tags in the subject and body text:

  • ++checkintime++: actual check in time

  • ++hostname++: full name of host

  • ++visitorname++: visitor’s full name

  • ++visitorphone++: visitor’s mobile phone

  • ++location++: location name

  • ++company++: visitor’s company name

Ex. of a body text:

  • Hi ++hostname++ \n\nYour guest ++visitorname++ has arrived and is waiting you in the reception ++location++.\n\nYour guest arrived at ++checkintime++

How to enable and edit the NDA screen

Visitor can give the visitors a NDA that they have to accept to complete the registration. If they say no to the NDA, they are asked to visit the reception.

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How to enable and edit the GDPR NDA

Visitor can give the visitors a GDPR NDA that they have to accept to complete the registration. If they say no to the NDA, they are asked to visit the reception.

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How to change the welcome screen

You can choose your own welcome screen for Visitor Solution.

  1. Click “Change Image”

  2. Click “Browse”

  3. Find your picture in the File explorer

  4. Click “open”

  5. Click “Upload Image”

  6. Click the dropdown menu

  7. Click your image

  8. Click “Save”

Don't forget to save when you're done. (4).gif

How to change to the alternative layout

Visitor has a standard layout and an alternative layout.

Standard layout:


Alternative layout:


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How to enable onscreen keyboard

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If you enable the onscreen keyboard, then the guest can only pick a host if they use the onscreen keyboard. If the guest uses a hardware keyboard, it will fail.


Scanner Settings

If you have a scanner connected to your reception, or you want to use a handheld scanner device for check-in or check-out your visitors or guests, then be aware of these settings.

mceclip0 (1).png

[Blank scanner prefix]

This function is used for barcode scanners that do not support being set up with prefix (CTRL + ALT + P). Un-Prefixed scanners cannot be used with a physical keyboard, therefore this feature also automatically activates the onscreen keyboard.

[Check out information bar]

This function gives you an information bar at the bottom of the reception screen leading/guiding your guests what to do and helping them through the flow of doing a self-registration


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