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Visitor Reception Module Guide
Reg Gray avatar
Written by Reg Gray
Updated over a week ago

This Visitor Reception was released with Planner on-premise version 9.0

This user guide covers the “how to” of Visitor Reception Module.

Table of contents


  • Visitor version 8.2.3 or higher

  • Receptionist role in Planner

  • A self-registration visitor created on your site. (You don't have to use the self-registration visitor.)

Pre-registered visitors

Pre-registered visitors can be created in the Visitor Reception Module and come automatically from Planner meetings. This can give you an overview of how many visitors are expected on a given day and help you plan, so you can give the visitors the best visitor experience. This can also help you figure out whether a guest is invited and meant to be on the premises.

How to pre-register visitors

  • Click “+New Visit”

  • Fill out the field “Visitor”

  • If you want, you can fill out “Company” and “Phone”

  • Choose a Host in the drop-down menu

  • Choose a future date under start

  • Click “Pre-register”

If you click “Pre-register and new” the visitor is registered and the New visitor box stays open, so you can register more visitors.


How to import pre-registered visitors

If you get a list of future visitors, they can be imported easily, so you don't have to retype everything.

  • Click “+New Visit”

  • Click the button next to “Import visitors"

  • Copy the users into the textfield

  • Fill out “Columns” and “Separator”. Since formats can vary, there are several options. In this example, the separator is Tab and the Columns are first name and last name company email.

  • Click “Import”

  • Your users are now shown in the “Visitors” box under the “import” button


  • Choose a host – you can only choose one host for each import.

  • Choose a date or time in the future

  • Click “Pre-register”

Your visitors have been pre-registered to the chosen date and host.


You can check in a pre-registered visitor, or you can register a new visitor who is checked in. You can also check in multiple visitors by importing them from a list.

How to check in a pre-registered visitor

  • Go to “Preregistered”

  • Click the box in front of the visitor you want to check in

  • Click the green arrow


  • In the pop-up click “Check in”

You can check in multiple visitors by clicking numerous boxes.

If you hover in near the box on a visitor, a green arrow appears. If you click this, the visitor is checked in without a pop-up box.

How to check in a new Visitor

  • Click “+New Visit”

  • Fill out the field “Visitor”

  • If you want, you can fill out “Company” and “Phone”

  • Choose a Host in the drop-down menu

  • Click “Check-in”

If you click “Check-in and new” the visitor is checked in and the New visitor box stays open, so you can check in more visitors.


How to import new Visitors

If you get a list of visitors, they can be imported easily, so you don't have to retype everything.

  • Click “+New Visit”

  • Click the button next to “Import visitors”


  • Copy the users into the text field


  • Fill out “Columns” and “Separator”. Since formats can vary, there are several options. In this example, the separator is Tab and the Columns are first name and last name company email.

  • Click “Import”

  • Your users are now shown in the “Visitors” box under the “import” button.


  • Choose a host – you can only choose one host for each import.

  • Click “Check-in”

Your visitors have been checked in to the chosen host.

Check out visitors

Your visitor's check out time can be an important component of visitor management and of compliance and audit purposes. It can also give you an overview of who is in the building. In this section we will show you how to check out visitors and to get an overview of check out times.

How to check out visitors

Go to the “checked-in” tab.

  • Go to “checked-in”

  • Click the box in front of the visitor you want to check out

  • Click the red arrow

  • In the pop-up click “Check out"



You can check out multiple visitors by clicking numerous boxes.

If you hover in near the box on a visitor, a red arrow appears. If you click this, the visitor is checked out without a pop-up box.

Customize your view

You can select how many visitors you want to see in a page, and which columns you want to see, so you can customize what information you get.

  • Open “other settings” under the calendar


  • In the dropdown, chose the amount of visitors you want pr page

In the shown columns, you can add or remove a column.

For example, you want to know which meeting room the meeting is in (only with Planner integration).

  • Click on the arrow down

  • Click on “Meeting (Room)”




The column is then added to your view.

You can enable “auto update lists”. This is recommended as it gives you a real-time view of what is happening.

You can toggle unnamed attendees off. If you get a lot of unnamed attendees from Planner, you can hide them by toggling them off.

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