Our GuestSign feature allows you to digitally map your guest’s information from the sign-in experience onto the GuestSign document itself. This article shows what you can check in your set up if this information is not automatically showing up in your documents.
Default Tokens
GuestSign uses a number of different tokens which pull in relevant information based off of basic sign-in details. This list includes:
It’s important to note that these tokens need to be entered exactly how they’re outline above, case sensitivity included. It’s also important to note that these tokens do not require # symbols around them, as seen in other token uses in your Visitor Management platform. Simply type your selected tokens as they appear above and drop them into your documents as custom token fields.
Custom Tokens
In addition to the default tokens included in your account, you are also able to map inputs from custom questions that a guest used in the Form Page.
The main purpose of the Form Page is to ask guests questions that aren’t typically asked through our existing About You Page. For more details on the Form Page, click HERE. Through the Form Page, you are also able to generate custom tokens that can be entered into GuestSign.
Ensure the correct document is selected
It’s also a good idea to double check that the correct GuestSign document is saved in your experience to ensure that your iPad is loading your right document. This step can be easily missed especially if you have multiple documents in your account.