If you’d like to allow others to access your SIE account, you don’t need to share your password – you can simply add them as additional users. This article shows how to add users manually from the admin portal.
Additionally, if you have a Single Sign On solution, you can manage users by integrating SIE with your Identity Provider. Learn about integrating SSO HERE.
The sections covered in this knowledge article include:
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Adding Users from the Users Page
This section shows how to add users one-by-one from your account's preferences page:
1. Click the Gear icon in the top-right corner of your admin account. Then, click Users.
2. Click the Create user button on the right and enter your user's name, e-mail address, and select a permission bundle. Optionally, you can add them to a user group for easier sorting. Click Save.
Users can be edited and deleted any time after they're initially created.
Your new user will receive an email with a link to create a new password. This link will expire after 48 hours. If your user does not activate their account in this time, they may reset the email from the login page. Click HERE for instructions.
Permission Bundles allow you to control how much access to your account the new user has. ADMIN gives them full account access while INVITES only gives them the ability to invite users to your location.
If you are on the enhanced or complete plan, you can create custom permission bundles. To learn more about custom permissions, click HERE.
Editing Users
You can edit or delete users at anytime from within the Users section.
Click the checkbox next to a user or group of users. Then, click the Actions button near to the top of the page and select the action you wish to perform. These include:
Edit user: Edit the name or permission bundles for one user. This cannot be edited with more than one user selected.
Edit user groups: Add the user(s) to one or more user groups for easier sorting.
Revoke API tokens: Revoke any Invite or Host tokens created by a user. This cannot be edited with more than one user selected.
Delete user(s): Delete the selected users from your account.
To create and view user groups, click the Create user group button or select an existing user group from the left-hand side of the users section.
To add multiple users at once, you can convert existing hosts into users directly from the Hosts section. To learn about hosts, check out our knowledge article HERE.
1. Click on the Hosts icon in the left navigation bar.
2. Select the checkbox above the host list to select all hosts. Alternatively, click the checkboxes next to certain hosts to pick a select few.
3. Click the 3 vertical dots that appear in the top-right hand corner of the Hosts page. Then, select Covert to user.
4. Assign your chosen permission bundles and click Create.
All selected users will #Exporting-Via-CSV receive an email asking them to create their passwords.
Exporting User Data via CSV
The Users section also allows you to download a CSV spreadsheet containing user data. Simply click the Export button in the top-right corner, then choose an existing user to email the download link to.
The user can then open the link from their email inbox. As a security measure, the download link expires in sixty minutes.
The CSV contains columns for these data points:
First Name
Last Name
Created Date
Last Sign-In
Last Edited
Permission Bundles Assigned to Each User