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(v2) How to create the service account for Pronestor Display and Exchange integration
(v2) How to create the service account for Pronestor Display and Exchange integration
Reg Gray avatar
Written by Reg Gray
Updated over a week ago

How to create the service account for Pronestor Display and Exchange integration

Pronestor Display is integrated with your Exchange environment so that your meetings are shown on the tablets. This is done with a service account that has the right application impersonation in Exchange.

We don't directly support this, as it is done in Exchange and not in Pronestor, but we have gathered some knowledge and frequently asked questions to help you set it up, as well as some links to guides on the internet.

Table of contents


  • Administrative rights in your Exchange

What does the service account need?

For Pronestor Display, the service account needs to have application impersonation rights on all meeting rooms connected to Pronestor Display.

The Exchange service account must have a mailbox and the primary email address for that account must be the original one and not an alias.

Please note Setting of permissions on Exchange can have some latency before the permissions are set and available. Please allow up to 30 min. for Exchange to have the permissions committed.

Please ensure that you set the password for the Service account never to expire. If that isn't possible, then it is the responsibility of the customer to ensure that the password is always updated in Exchange and in Pronestor before it expires.

How to check whether the service account has the correct access

You can check whether the service account has the correct access by running a script in powershell. This has to be done on your Exchange server.

The script:

Get-ManagementRoleAssignment -roleassignee "[email protected]" -role applicationimpersonation

The results of the script. The "[email protected]" has the application impersonation rights. The "[email protected]" is a regular employee without application impersonation rights. If your account has application impersonation, the response of the script will show you the role applicationimpersonation.


Microsofts Guides

Exchange 2013


New-ManagementRoleAssignment -Name PronestorServiceGroup -Role applicationImpersonation -User [email protected]

Our bare bones guide for Office 365

  1. Go to web portal - with administrator permissions

  2. Create a new user (ex. "service")

  3. Go to Exchange Admin Center

  4. Choose Permissions in left menu

  5. Choose "Admin Roles"

  6. Create a new "Role Group"

  7. Name : Pronestor Service Group

  8. Roles : add "ApplicationImpersonation"

  9. Members : add the "service"-user from above

Third party guides

Here are some very helpful third party guides we found. Please note that Pronestor is not responsible for the content of these guides and cannot support you regarding their content

Restricted Access

For Pronestor Display - the user/service account used by Pronestor can be limited to a scope of rooms only – ensuring that the service account ONLY have application impersonation the specific rooms in the scope and not system wide. Note that the support cannot guide you in how to, but we have this guide that an exchange administrator with experience with O365 and Powershell towards O365 should be able to follow.

Create a scope ex

New-ManagementScope -Name "PronestorResourceMailboxes" -RecipientRestrictionFilter {name -eq 'qa_room_1'}

Set the permission for you service account for the scope

New-ManagementRoleAssignment -Name "ResourceImpersonation" -Role ApplicationImpersonation -User "[email protected]" -CustomRecipientWriteScope "PronestorResourceMailboxes"

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