Pronestor Display needs information from Exchange. This guide shows you how you can integrate Pronestor Display with Exchange using Exchange Web Services (EWS) if you’re using Office 365 or Exchange Online and wants to authenticate using OAuth. You will need administrator rights in Pronestor Display and Azure Active Directory.
Go to Azure Active Directory
App Registrations
New Application
Note the Application (client) ID and Directory (tenant) ID, you will need them later in this guide.
Click API Permissions
Click “Add a permission”
Choose "APIs my organization uses"
Type "office 365 exchange" - and choose that in the list
Click “Application Permissions”
Select “full_access_as_app” (please see comment below on how to scope/limit this permission)
Click “Add permission”
Click “Grant Admin consent for Pronestor”
Open Pronestor Display
Go to “settings”
Choose “Microsoft Exchange”
Enable “Exchange Online” and “Use oAuth”
Enter the “Application (client) ID” into “Application ID” field
Enter the “Directory (tenant) ID” into “Directory ID” field
Click “Save and test connection”
Click “Create new certificate”
Go back to Azure – find the application created
Choose “Certificates and secrets”
Choose “Upload certificate” and upload the generated certificate