Upload customer design to pronestordisplay.com
This is a guide on how PRONESTOR agents can upload customer specific designs to pronestordisplay.com
Before upload
The design that is to be uploaded must be zipped. The design must be located in a subfolder of the display type(s) that it will be used in the display - a display type is "Room Availability Overview","Meeting Activity Overview" and/or "Room Booking Panel".
If a new design for a Room Booking Panel is to be uploaded - lets call it "MyCorp" - then that design must be located in a parent folder called Room
Uploading design
Go to http://admin.pronestordisplay.com (user: xxxxxxxxx, pass:xxxxxxxx)
Find the tenant in the list
Choose "Files"->"Upload custom designs"
Locate the zip file with the design - and upload it
Log into the tenant - and edit the display and apply the design
Example of a custom design with a full background image - for 1024x768 landscape
Download the attached file room.zip
Unzip the files
Go to Room->Customer->Base->Images
Replace the customer.png with a new image
Zip the Room folder
Upload that folder as described above in the "Uploading design"-section
The design will now be available in the PRONESTOR DISPLAY as "Custom" design in the dropdown within the edit room page.