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(v2) EWS API - configuration of Planner
Reg Gray avatar
Written by Reg Gray
Updated over a week ago

This guide will show you how to create an Azure application for Exchange, user import and SSO integration, so you only need one application instead of one for each.

If you only want to set up an Exchange integration, please see this guide instead oAuth for Planner, or how to set up Exchange integration for Office 365 / Exchange Online

You will need administrator rights in Planner and Azure Active Directory. This guide uses the demo site as an example, please remember to use your own Planner link instead.

Enabling Exchange Online integration in Planner with EWS API

This guide will help you configure Planner Cloud with integration to Exchange Online (O365), and finally how to distribute the Planner Outlook Add-in to users.

It involves creating an application in Azure AD to be used for SSO, user import and for allowing Planner to access Exchange.


  • You have a Planner cloud site and an initial login for setting to Planner.

  • You have permission to access Azure AD and Exchange Online

Steps in this guide:

- Step 1: Prepare an application in Azure AD for Planner

  • SSO

  • Access to Exchange

  • Step 2: Identifying Planner users and roles in Azure AD

  • Step 3: Enabling Single Sign On (SSO) via Azure AD

Each of the listed steps above is required and must be applied in the order listed.

Set Planner as a trusted domain on your Azure

Note, this is essential for Single sign on, but if you don't need single sign on, you can skip this chapter and chapter "Set Application ID URI"

Login to your azure at

Scroll down and click "Custom domain names"


Click "+Add custom domain"


Type in your link. The link needs to be based on your Planner url. In the picture I used but your link should be [customername] where [customername] is replaced with your customername.

Click "Add domain"


Then you get your Destination or points to address. Please copy it since you need to send it to [email protected] for verification.


Create an Application for Planner

  • Click "+New registration"

  • Give the Application a name and choose single tenant and click register

SSO - Set Redirect URIs

  • Click "Add a Redirect URI"

  • Click "+Add a platform"

  • Choose "Web"


Now you need to add a link. The link needs to be based on your Planner URL.

In the picture I used but your link should be

javascript https://[customername]

where [customername] is replaced with your customername.

  • Then click "Configure"


Click "Add URI"


Here we add another URL that you need to build. The link needs to be based on your Planner url. In the picture I used but your link should be https://[customername] where [customername] is replaced with your customername.

  • Then click "Save"


Set Application ID URI

  • Click "Add an Application ID URI"


Click "Set"


The link needs to be based on your Planner url. In the picture I used but your link should be https://[customername] where [customername] is replaced with your customername.

Fill in the link and click "Save"


Once you have created the application in Azure - we need to assign permissions for user import as well as accessing Exchange.

Grant rights for user import

  • Choose “API permissions”

  • Add the following permissions – using Microsoft Graph → Application

  • User.Read.All

  • Consent

These rights are used by the user import to read your groups and users properly.

Grant rights for Exchange access


Click "Add a permission"

Click "APIs my organization uses"

Click "Office 365 Exchange Online"

Click "Select"

Choose "Application permissions"

API Permissions → Add a permission → Exchange → full_access_as_app

This right lets the application connect with Exchange


!! Only relevant when using EWS API

Connecting SSO

This should be done AFTER you have imported users, or you won't be able to login.

Send an email to [email protected] with:

  1. Your sitename, for example https://[customername] where [customername] is replaced with your customername.

  2. Your Destination or points to address - unless you remembered to send it in the earlier step.

  3. Your Tenant ID

Then the Helpdesk will enable it.

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