Connecting Exchange integration
Open your Planner site
Go to Administration -> Settings
Click Exchange - note if you don't have exchange as an option, please contact [email protected] to get Exchange enabled
Click "Exchange online"
Click "Use OAuth"
Fill out Application ID and Directory id
Fill in a default booker. This user is used as the host if the host in Exchange doesn't exist in Planner. We recommend using a system user and not a real user for this fallback mechanism.
Click "Save"
Click "Create new certificate"
This will download a certificate that needs to be added to your Azure application to authorize communication between Planner and Exchange.
Open Azure and find your application
Click "Certificate & secrets"
Click "Upload certificate" and find the downloaded file.
Click "Add"
You're done in Azure, return to Planner
Click "Test connection"
If the little text up here changes to "OK" and that means it is configured correctly.
Troubleshooting - most common errors
The AADSTS700016 Error:
This following error is generated because there is missing an Application URL ID.
Which need to be set under the app registration - Expose an API as shown in the video below.
The URL ID you need to set is:
But instead of [booking], you need to type in your site name
The Import From Azure Error:
The following Error is generated by a faulty Client Secret.
The following error shows when doing an import:
"Microsoft.Identity.Client.MsalServiceException: 401: Unauthorized - invalid_client. at PronestorWebAdmin.MsGraph.MsGraphAuthenticator.HandleMsalServiceException(MsalServiceException)"
the Error is resolved by going to your Pronestor app registration - Certificates & Secrets
and then renewing and setting a new Client Secret as shown in the video below.
The Error 500 when accessing "My settings"
When ever a user tries to go to the tab "My settings" they are the met with an "Error 500" page.
It is caused by either a missing or incorrect URL setting in the App registrations - Authentication section.
It can be fixed be setting the URL
Here you have to remember that [booking] needs to be changed into your own site name
Failed to update Application ID URI application property error
This means the Client id or url is incorrect. Please doublecheck that it is filled out according to the guide