Understanding Exchange Client Mode
Full Exchange Integration is also known as Exchange Client mode. It is a setting that can be enabled when the Planner is configured with Exchange Integration.
!! This setting is only available as an enabled/disable option with EWS API. !! When using Graph API - the Exchange Client mode is always enabled, and can not be disabled
This will allow users working in Planner Web to:
See, create, edit, delete, and reschedule reservations in Planner
Ensure Outlook Appointment reflects these reservations as well
When enabled, it will provide the following benefits:
My Calendar will show the user's Outlook calendar appointments
New reservations created in Planner Web will create an Outlook appointment in the user's calendar
Deleting a reservation in Planner Web will cancel the related Outlook appointment in the user's calendar
Rescheduling a reservation in Planner Web will reschedule the related Outlook appointment in the user's calendar
!! Note - when Exchange Client Mode is enabled, users can't create recurrent reservations in Planner Web. This needs to be set via Outlook for the Outlook Appointment - which will then reflect the series in Planner Web.
What happens when enabling Exchange Client Mode to an existing Planner installation?
It will not affect already existing reservations or appointments but only affect new reservations created going forward.
Is Exchange Client Mode required for the Office Add-in to work?