Getting access to create users manually
Follow these steps to create users manually:
Open your browser and go to
Select “Sign up now” below the Sign in button
Enter your e-mail address and select “Send verification code”
Check your e-mail for the mail from Microsoft/Sign In Workspace
In the e-mail, copy the verification code
Enter the code in the field “Verification code”
Select “Verify code” and then select “Continue”
Select your name in the top right corner to go to your profile. Select “Go to administration”
You're now in the Administration part of the solution and can start the configuration
To create users, select the tab Users in the green bar at the top. You now have 3 options; Users, Import users, and Create user
Creating a few users: Select Create user, if you only need to create a few users one-by-one
Enter the email address and full name as a minimum
If the user needs Administrator privileges, select this in Access level
Enter the initials, as these will be shown instead of an avatar (until a picture is added to the user's account). Once all data is entered, select Create user
Please note that Workspace will not send a notification to the user. We recommend you send an email to the created user afterwards, with information about the solution and how they can get access
If relevant, please feel free to use this template for the email: "Dear colleagues, A profile has been created for you for the Workspace solution. To get access please go to and follow these instructions: On your PC, open your browser and go to Select "Sign up now" below the Sign in button. Enter your e-mail address and select "Send verification code". Check your e-mail for the mail from Microsoft/Sign In Workspace. In the e-mail, copy the verification code. Enter the code in the field "Verification code". Select "Verify code" and select "Continue". Now you have access to your Workspace solution, and can start by booking a desk, setting your status etc. to make it easier to collaborate in a hybrid setup"
After creating your users, we recommend creating the attributes for desks, as you will need them later
Creating multiple users at once
Select Import users if you need to create several users without doing it one by one. This allows you to upload a file with users. You can also Download sample file to get an example of the required file structure.
The file must contain:
E-mail address
Full name
Initials (max. 4 characters)
Calling name
Is Administrator (true/false)
Note: Check the requirements for the file in the Import users section.
When the file is ready, select Choose file with users and upload your file.
Important Instructions for Workspace
Please note that Workspace will not send a notification to the users. We recommend you:
Send an email to the created users afterwards, with information about the solution and how they can get access.
Go to the section about creating users one-by-one. Here you’ll find a template you can use to inform your colleagues.
Editing a user: To see a list of all users in the solution:
Select Users
If you need to see information about a user, select the user’s name. You will now see the profile and you can edit data.
If needed, you can disable and delete the user.
Upload profile picture: This is also done on the user’s profile. It must be done by an Administrator; users can’t do it themselves.