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(v2) Your user guide to Workspace
(v2) Your user guide to Workspace
Reg Gray avatar
Written by Reg Gray
Updated over a week ago

Introduction To Workspace

This article serves as a basic guide to Workspace and links to other articles that discuss features in more detail. The sections include:

  • Mobile Support

  • Setting Your Presence for the day

  • Finding and booking a desk in Workspace Web and Workspace Mobile

  • Setting Your Preferred Area

  • Confirm Bookings and Using QR Codes

  • Managing Colleagues & Groups

  • Integrating Workspace with Outlook Calendar

  • My Profile

Mobile Support

  • On the first page, you’ll see the calendar scroll bar, which is an easy way to see if you have set your presence on specific days or make bookings.


Icons at the bottom of the screen – mobile view

At the bottom of the screen, you’ll see the following icons:

  • Home screen

  • Work week

  • Floor map

  • My colleagues & groups

In this section, you’ll get an overview of your presences for this week. You can also see your past and future bookings or presences. Please note that historic data is locked and can’t be edited.


Setting your presence for the day

Below the calendar scroll bar, you’ll see your status for the day. To set your presence for the day, you can choose between “Book my desk” or “Work remotely” as quick-book options. If you want to set another presence, please do as follows:

  • Select the chevron to see the list of different options.

  • Choose the presence that matches your day

  • If you have chosen “Our of office” or “Work remotely”, select “Edit workday” to add a description to elaborate on your presence.

E.g., if you choose working remotely because you’re visiting a client, you can add this as text, and it will be visible for your colleagues.


Finding and booking a desk in Workspace Web and Workspace Mobile

For detailed instructions, check out the articles linked below:

Setting Your Preferred Area

If you’re using the desktop version, you’ll also see a floor map. Follow these steps to customize the floor map:

  1. Go to My profile (click your name/avatar at the top)

  2. Choose Settings

  3. Set your preferred area

The floor map on the home page will now show the floor map for your preferred area.


Confirming Bookings and Using QR Codes

Confirm your booking (if this has been activated on your solution)

If your Administrator has activated this feature, you’re required to confirm your bookings. If you don’t confirm a booking, the booking will be deleted and the desk available for others to book.

The Confirm button will appear on the front page of Workspace and you simply select Confirm. It’s possible to confirm at a given time prior to and after the booking starts. These time slots are defined by your Administrator.

Using QR codes (if this has been activated in your solution)

If your Administrator has decided to use QR codes, these can be used for the following actions:

  • Booking a desk that is available for bookings

  • Confirming an existing booking

  • Changing a booking from one desk to another

To scan the QR code at a desk, you can simply use the camera in your phone, or you can open Workspace and use the scanner placed at the bottom of the solution.

If you scan a desk that is available, the desk will be booked for you.

If you have booked a desk, you can scan the QR code to confirm your booking.

If you scan a different desk than the one you booked, you will get the option of changing your booking to the desk you have scanned.

Managing Colleagues & Groups

In this section, you’ll find 2 different options – Groups and Colleagues.


In Groups, you can:

  • See all the groups you’re already part of or create your own group

  • Create a group to see current and future presences of all members (only Workspace users can be added)

To create a group:

  1. Select the orange “+” in the bottom of the page to create a group, then select “Create group”

  2. Enter a name for the group (visible for members and other users)

  3. Add a group description, if relevant

  4. Scroll or use the search function to find relevant members and add them

  5. Select “Create group”

Your group has now been created and will be visible in your list of groups. It will also be visible for other users if they are searching for groups.

To see the presence of the group members:

  • Select the group in your list of groups

  • Check the calendar scroll bar at the top to see different presences:

  • Green for members in the office

  • Yellow for members working remotely

  • Red for members out of office

  • Grey for those who haven’t set a presence

  • Scroll down the list below to see the members and their presence

  • Use the calendar scroll bar to see the future presences

To book desks for your group:

  • Find and select the relevant group in the list

  • Find the right date

  • Select “Find desks” at the top right side

  • In the list of members, those who already have a desk, will not be selected automatically

  • Select all the members you want to book a desk for

  • Select “Continue”

  • Choose the area you want to book desks in

  • You will now see who will be placed where

  • Select “Send group invitation”

The desks are now booked for your group and the members will receive an in-app notification that you have made a booking and which desks are booked for them. The members of your group can then either accept or decline the booking.


Joining and leaving groups

  • If you wish to join an existing group:

    • Select the orange “+” to Find an existing group.

    • Go to an existing group

    • Select Join group

    • You have now been added to the group.

  • If you wish to leave a group:

    • Find the group in your list of groups

    • Select the three dots on the right side

    • Select leave group

In Colleagues, you will see a list of all your colleagues and their presence. At the top, you can search for a colleague and select the chevron to see the presence – if your colleague has booked a desk, you’ll also be able to see which desk. When looking at your colleague’s profile, you can select the calendar and see past and future bookings or presences.


Integrating Workspace with Outlook Calendar

Check out our detailed knowledge article for integrating with the Outlook Calendar HERE.

My Profile

At the top of the screen, next to your name, you’ll see an avatar. Select this to go your profile, where you have the following 3 options:

Details, you can see your current presence. If you have access to the Administration site and go to Workspace from your desktop (not mobile) you will have the option to click “Go to admin site”. From desktop and mobile, you also have the option to select sign out.

My favorite desks, you can see the list of your favorite desks. Use the filter on the top left side to search for desks with specific attributes. Next to the filter, you have the option of changing the view between a list or grid view. You can see the desk name, the availability of the desk and the attributes. If you want to find a specific desk, use the Search option, also found above the list of favorite desks.

Settings, you can set your preferred area. When you select a preferred area, the floor map will update and show you your preferred area. You can change your language as well – either select a specific language or set it to use the language from your browser.

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