You can add your own company logo to Display, so it can be shown on the different displays.
To do this, you need the display admin login and a picture file with the logo. The picture has to be 500 pixels wide and 400 pixels high and one of the following filetypes: jpg gif png
Once you have the logofile ready, it is time to upload it to display. Open your display URL (also called website or link)
If it looks like this, then please click show help. Otherwise, it should already look like the next picture.
Then the screen looks like this and we can now click on * Administration - logon
Here you need the admin login for your display solution
Now you can see an overview of your rooms. This demo version has some different rooms than your own version. Just pick the relevant rooms for you.
The action button is greyed out until you click off some rooms. You can edit every room at once or tick off the specific rooms you want to edit.
If you want every room, tick off the Room box in the black bar (circled in red)
If you want specific rooms then tick the relevant rooms. In this picture, I have chosen the rooms Auditorie 1, Lokale 1, lokale 2, and Mars. (circled in blue)
Now that you have chosen your rooms, press Action and choose edit from the scroll down menu.
In here, we want to press Visibility as shown on the picture. As you can see, your chosen rooms are listed. It looks slightly different if you only chose one room, but the steps will be the same.
We need to press a button called Choose picture, but it isn't here yet. First we need to press the pencil in the edit column.
This allows us to tick off the box, and then the Choose picture button appears. Please press it.
Now we can edit the logo of our rooms and we can upload a new logo to the Archive. Please press upload... to upload your logofile.
This will open an explorer where you can find the logofile on your machine. Once you have clicked your picture on your computer click open.
Now the picture is uploaded. In this example, it is named download.jpg and in the preview, I can see my kittenlogo. If I want to add this picture to my selected rooms, I just have to press Choose.
The logo has been uploaded, but before the changed logo can take effect, we have to press save.
You have updated your Meeting Activity Overview.
Meeting Activity Overview
The same can be done for Meeting Activity Overview.
Please press Meeting Activity Overview, and then press the display you want to update. In this guide, there is only one display, Test1. It is not possible to bulk update Meeting Activity Overview.
Again we want to press visibility, tick off the box at Show logo and then press Choose picture...
Now it looks exactly like before, we can edit the logo of our rooms and we can upload a new logo to the Archive. Please press upload... to upload your logofile.
This will open an explorer where you can find the logofile on your machine. Once you have clicked your picture on your computer click open.
Now the picture is uploaded. In this example, it is named download.jpg and in the preview, I can see my kittenlogo. If I want to add this picture to my selected reception, I just have to press Choose.
The logo has been uploaded, but before the changed logo can take effect, we have to press save.
You have updated your Meeting Activity Overview.
Room Availability Overview
The same can be done for Room Availability Overview.
Please press Room Availability Overview, and then press the display you want to update. In this guide, there is only one display, Area1. It is not possible to bulk update Room Availability Overview.
Again we want to press visibility, tick off the box at Show logo and then press Choose picture...
Now it looks exactly like before, we can edit the logo of our rooms and we can upload a new logo to the Archive. Please press upload... to upload your logofile.
This will open an explorer where you can find the logofile on your machine. Once you have clicked your picture on your computer click open.
Now the picture is uploaded. In this example, it is named download.jpg and in the preview, I can see my kittenlogo. If I want to add this picture to my selected reception, I just have to press Choose.
The logo has been uploaded, but before the changed logo can take effect, we have to press save.
You have updated your Room Availability Overview.