You can create as many Room availability overview displays as you like – within the limit of your license.
Like any other display – you can per Room Availability Overview choose what rooms to show, design etc.
Table of contents
How to create/edit a Room Availability Overview
Choose “Displays“-tab
Click “Room Availability Overview” in the left menu
You can create a new Room Availability Overview by clicking “+area“
You can edit a Room Availability Overview by clicking the name of the display you like to edit
Name - Reference name for the display
Here you can choose which rooms are included in your Room Availability Overview by ticking off the box.
You can also enable Wayfinding for the meeting rooms on the Room Availability Overview. Wayfinding results in little arrows on the screen so they can point in the right direction.
Show logo - Show logo (like company logo)
Make sure the filename only contains english letters and numbers. It fails if the filename contains ÆØÅ
Hide title - Hide the title on the Display. Can be useful if your titles contain sensitive information.
Hide owner - Hide the owner on the Display.
Paging interval - how long a page is shown before it goes to the next. It is used when Display needs more than one page to show all the meetings.
Sleep start - starts sleepmode for the site. The site becomes black and heartbeats are turned off. Uses the timezone from localization. NOTE does not affect the tablet, only the site.
Sleep end - ends sleepmode for the site. The site becomes black and heartbeats are turned off. Uses the timezone from localization. NOTE does not affect the tablet, only the site.
Allow on-screen booking - When this is enabled a book now button will appear so the meeting rooms can be booked directly from the screen
Allow on-screen end time changes - When this is enabled a button will appear so the meetings can be changed directly from the screen
Verify Authorization - verify that the enabled interactivity options is possible with the service account used
Timezone - Timezone for current display
Dateformat - Date format for current display
Timeformat - Time format for current display
Language - Language used for buttons etc. (* if using a custom design with user edited labels, this selection may be ignored)
Style – Choose a design template
Background image - image to be used as background on the display.
Please check your tablet resolution to ensure a best fit.
We recommend that all images are jpegs and in 72 dpi.
Make sure the filename only contains english letters and numbers. It fails if the filename contains ÆØÅ
Background image fit - how to fit the background image
Background color - color to be used if background image doesn't fill the whole background
Font color - color to be used for text in "room name" and "Next meeting" labels
Width/Height – pixel width and height for the preview window
Maintain aspect ratio – when enabled, any changes to width or height will keep the ratio of the preview window.