Your Visitor Management account will automatically push any changes you make from the admin portal to the iPad. If your iPad doesn’t seem to be taking your latest changes, there are a few things that you can check for:
Location Settings and Device Key
Time limitations
iPad is offline
Is your location/device correctly set?
The first thing to check is that your location setup has the correct templates selected. You can choose which experience, theme, and badge templates are selected per location. Especially if you’re switching between different versions of the same template, it’s a good idea to check that the location has the correct templates selected.
Also ensure that your latest changes to these templates were successfully saved.
Next, you double check that the Kiosk App is linked to the right location. This applies if you’re managing multiple iPads over multiple locations as sometimes you may have accidentally swapped an iPad.
To check this, you can reference the Device Key on the app with the device key in your location. To find the device key, click on the ‘i’ icon in the top right corner of the Welcome Page. The Device Key is visible near the middle of the page. Double check that this matches with the device key in your location.
NOTE: Host and Invite lists may take longer to automatically load in the Kiosk App, depending on how big the lists are. It should take no longer than an hour for these lists to be fully uploaded into the app. Have you given the app enough time to take your changes?
Time Limitations
If you’re looking for your iPad to update automatically, you should also ensure that you’ve given the iPad enough time to make the change itself. The Kiosk app automatically reaches out to our server every 3-5 minutes to check for new changes. If you want to push the changes immediately, you can push the ‘refresh theme’ button described HERE.
Is the device online?
All updates require an active internet connection to push data back to the iPad. Ensure that your iPad has a connection before proceeding. To see how you can check if your device is offline, click HERE