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How do I set up my account to allow users to invite guests through Google Calendar?
How do I set up my account to allow users to invite guests through Google Calendar?
Reg Gray avatar
Written by Reg Gray
Updated over a week ago

Before a user can integrate with Google Calendar in Traction Guest, an admin will need to configure the G Suite Settings within the web portal.

This knowledge article walks through that initial setup, including invite confirmation settings, G Suite Building Mapping, and general invite preferences. To learn about the actual invite process itself for end users, click HERE.

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You must first activate the G Suite integration from the Integrations Tab. Click on the G Suite tile and then follow the prompts to link your G Suite account to Traction Guest. The tile will then be toggled on.


Your general G Suite settings can then be accessed in the Locations Tab. Simply click into your location, then click on the MORE tab. The G SUITE Settings section will be at the bottom of the list. Click it to open the G SUITE Settings window.


You must choose between 2 step confirmation or 1 step confirmation. This setting will apply to all Google calendar invites that are linked to that location.

1 Step Confirmation

The 1 Step Confirmation process can automatically create an invite in Traction Guest after the initial Google Calendar Meeting has been created. This requires a user to add a room, linked to your location, in the initial meeting invite. For more details on linking buildings/rooms to your location, see the G Suite Building Mapping section below.

A user will not be prompted to confirm the invite settings or edit the name of the guest. If the guest has been invited or signed in through Traction Guest before, their name will auto populate in the invite. If the guest is brand new, they will need to enter their name on the iPad for their first visit.

If you require customized email templates to be sent along with the invite, we highly recommend configuring automated invite notifications from your location preferences. If this is not enabled for locations with 1 Step Confirmation, a Traction Guest email will not automatically be sent to a guest after a calendar meeting has been created. Your users will need to send this from the admin portal afterwards.

To send invite notifications by default, click on the ‘MORE’ tab in your location, followed by ‘PREFERENCES’. You can then toggle on the feature and choose which email template to send from here. Remember to click ‘SAVE’ once you’re done.

To learn more about customized email templates, click HERE.

2 STEP Confirmation

The 2 Step Confirmation process will email a request to a user to review and confirm the suggested invites after the initial Google calendar invite has been created. The invite will not register within Traction Guest until this is complete.

To see what the full 2 Step Confirmation process looks like for a user, check out the 2 Step Confirmation section HERE.


You can link G Suite Buildings to your locations in Traction Guest. If an end user selects these buildings/rooms in the Google Calendar invite, it will automatically link the invite to your chosen location. This is mandatory for the 1 Step Confirmation process.

You can click on the ‘UPDATE’ button to refresh this list if buildings have been newly added to your G Suite account.


A user will need to add Traction Guest as an invitee when creating the Google Calendar Invite. This is the connector which links the calendar meeting to a specific Traction Guest location. To speed up this process, we have created a Chrome Extension which will allow users to add Guest with the click of a button.

If a user does not have the Chrome extension, they must add Traction Guest manually from the ‘Add Guests’ section of calendar meeting.

To add the extension, search for Traction Guest on the Chrome store and simply click ‘Add to Chrome’. A button will then appear in the Google Calendar meeting window when a user is creating the initial calendar invite.

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