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How can I integrate with Microsoft Office 365 services
How can I integrate with Microsoft Office 365 services
Reg Gray avatar
Written by Reg Gray
Updated over a week ago

Microsoft Office 365 has many business oriented applications. This includes Excel, Outlook, SharePoint, and many others.

Traction Guest has two different types of integration with Microsoft Office.

  1. Pre-registering visitors - Outlook

  2. Custom integrations - Microsoft Flows

The Outlook integration is a plug-in extension that you can add either to Outlook 365 or to the Outlook desktop app. This allows any user that has the ability to invite visitors to pre-register them directly from an Outlook meeting invite. No need to login to Traction Guest through a browser.

To learn more about the Outlook integration, click HERE.

The custom integrations option is what this article will go into detail about - leveraging Microsoft Flows.
There are two proven ways to use Microsoft Flows:

Saving signed documents to SharePoint or OneDrive.

This method is available on any Traction Guest account as it using our Email Templates and Notify Actions.
How this works is when a visitor signs in on an iPad and signs a document, we can attach that document to an email and send it automatically to a generic inbox. Then Microsoft Flows is able to take that email, parse out the attachment, and save it to folder of your choice, whether that is in SharePoint or OneDrive. The below steps will focus on the SharePoint setup.

Note: this currently only works when the document is signed through GuestSign. This does not support DocuSign documents.

Step 1 - Prepare your SharePoint folder/site (skip this step if you already have the folder created)

  1. Login to your SharePoint account

  2. Click on "Create Site"

  3. Follow the steps to finish the site

  4. Create a folder for where you want the documents to be saved

Step 2 - Setup the Microsoft Flow

  1. Search templates for "Save my email atttachments to a SharePoint document Library"

  2. Activate this flow (it will connect to both your Outlook and SharePoint accounts)

    • If you wish to use a different inbox, you will have to designate it at this point.

This flow can be tweaked and customized to fit your needs. This screenshot shows a simplified example:

Step 3 - Create the email template
You can learn more about our Email Template Editor HERE.
The body of the email is irrelevant, we just recommend adding a header or paragraph to explain that the email is just to save the document.
The important part is that you enable "Attach GuestSign Document".

Step 4 - Add the Notify Action(s) to your experience
Wherever you want the document to be sent to the Microsoft Flow, add in a Notify Action.

  • Click on "Add Notification"

  • Choose "Email"

  • Add in the Microsoft Flow email address

  • Select the Email Template from Step 3

GuestConnect to push data or trigger API actions

Using GuestConnect and Microsoft Flows, we can build out extremely custom and tailored integrations to fit your needs.
GuestConnect is only available on Enhanced accounts and you can learn more about basics of how it works HERE.

Microsoft Flows has a trigger called "When a HTTP request is received".
This trigger allows you to create a custom endpoint that can be reached from a GuestConnect action.

However, this process is extremely custom. Each use case will be designed differently.
Please reach out to [email protected] as we will be able to provide recommendations on how to accomplish your desired integration.

Note: Depending on your current Microsoft pricing/plan, HTTP connectors may be an additional cost.

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