The number of licenses you've purchased determines how many iPads you can have linked at any given time. If you have reached the total number of allowed devices, you may always repurpose one from a different location.
Before linking a device to a new location, you must first unlink it from the old one. There are two ways to do this, either through the admin web app or from the settings app on the iPad.
If you'd like to fully remove a device licence from you account after it has been unlinked to a device, you will also need to delete the vacant Device ID from the Locations page, thereby reducing your active device count.
This knowledge article covers both how to unlink a device to free up the device ID and how to fully delete a licence from your account.
Unlinking a Device ID
Once you are signed to your admin account in the web app, click on the Locations tab and select the location from which you wish to remove the device.
From there you will see a list of all the devices that have been added to this experience. If they are currently linked you will see this icon to the right of the device name:
Simply click the icon to unlink the device.
NOTE: Unlinked device IDs still count towards your overall device total if they are not removed from your locations tab. See the Removing a Device ID from your Account section below for details on how to fully remove a device.
Through the settings app on the iPad
If you wish to unlink the device directly from the iPad, you may do so from the settings app. On the iPad's home page, find and touch the settings icon (it looks like a gear cog).
Once within the app, scroll down on the left side until you see the tab for Traction Guest. After entering the Traction Guest settings screen, there will be a toggle setting to "Unlink Device on Next Launch". Enable this setting and then close the settings app and re-open the Traction Guest app.
Note: There is no need to go back into the settings app to turn this setting off. It automatically resets to default after the device has become unlinked.
Once your device has been unlinked, you may link it to any new location or event of your choice.
To learn how to link a device, please refer to this article.
Removing a Device from your Account
It's important to note that unlinked device IDs still count toward your overall device total. For example, if your account is enabled to have a max of two devices at a time, you'll reach your two device limit if you've added them in the locations tab but haven't yet linked an iPad.
Make sure to delete any vacant device IDs from your account if you'd like to repurpose or simply clean up your device count.
To delete a licence completely, click on the trash can icon next to a specific device. This will then bring your active device licence number down.