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How can I export my Guest data to import to another system?
How can I export my Guest data to import to another system?
Reg Gray avatar
Written by Reg Gray
Updated over a week ago

In addition to viewing your guest sign in records in the Guestbook, you can also generate an export of your sign in data to a CSV containing all of your guest's data, including all of their form inputs, choices, etc.

Users must have the Export Signins Permission bundle to access the Export button.

1. From the Guestbook, click the Export button near the top of the page.

2. Choose which recipients will receive the email. They must be users within your account.
3. Choose the included date range, locations, and which timezones will be used.
4. Click Export to immediately send the email with the download link.


Your recipients will receive an email containing a download button for the CSV. As a security measure, the link expires after 60 minutes.

Export example.png

By default the export file will display all data in columns, ie. each form, choice, host selection, or other input during your chosen date range will exist in its own column. This will allow you to use Excel's filtering to display information based on your own criteria. This also allows you to import your Guest data into other tools like Salesforce using Data Loader.

Example of export:

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