Listed below is point form summary of releases by the Traction Guest development team, ending on May 2019. The new release notes page can be found here:
These updates were pushed to all instances (USA, CAN, EU, or private database) unless otherwise explicitly stated.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to [email protected]
Want to see historical updates?
------------------------- May 2019 ------------------------- May 23
Web Admin App
Increased session expiry time to a more suitable value
Updated visibility settings in permission bundles when using the Outlook add-in
Sign In App
Update for pre-registered phone numbers not populating on the sign-in app
Bug fix related to GuestSign tokens and their placement on the signed document
Improved the logic around sign-in record processing and saving
May 15
Web Admin App
Added the ability for hosts to add a phone number when inviting guests which will be associated with their sign-in
Ensured that users switching between day and night modes are only able to select the mode they are not currently using
Improved UI by truncating long strings of text gathered from user inputs
Improved UX when dismissing dialogs in the admin app
Updated help text instructing the user if an iPad update is required for a particular experience
Added an interface to create and revoke API tokens for current and future 3rd party integrations
Added link to a help section in the Outlook add-in to assist users authenticating through a Single Sign On (SSO) page that cannot be opened in an iFrame
Added the ability for phone numbers to be pulled from Eventbrite registrations and be associated with event sign-ins
Fixed Location page filter settings that were not persisting on page refresh
Improved the persistence mechanism of sign-in photos
Performance and security upgrades
Updated user password requirements
Sign In App
Ensured that phone numbers from the invite can be pre-populated when a user signs in on the iPad
New version available in the iOS App Store (1.16.0)
May 8
General performance and security enhancements related to signed document management
May 2
Updated free trial page
Fixed an issue where an expired user session was throwing errors in pages that had an infinite scroll element
------------------------- April 2019 ------------------------- April 24
Added security enhancements around session expiration.
April 10
Improved how we sync host information to the device
Added the ability for the Summary page to enforce host selection
Updated GuestSign to allow for additional file naming schemes when attached to email templates
Added Finscan integration for Watchlists
April 5
Ensure the accuracy of bulk e-mails from guest invites is scoped to the proper location
April 3
Ensured that GuestIO is successfully sending print jobs whenever a manual sign in occurs, regardless of the details entered manually or scanned from a document.
------------------------- March 2019 -------------------------
March 29
Microsoft Outlook Add-on Integration
Added phone number support to Form Page and Signin App
Phone numbers are now an option on the Form Page in the Experience Editor
User Groups affected: Administrators, Visitors, Security Personnel, Hosts
Accept new area codes in form fields (affecting primarily the Caribbean region and some other parts of the US).
Limit traffic sources for guestConnect as a security enhancement.
Allow the ability to sort locations, experiences, themes, badges, documents, and e-mail templates by alphabetical order or last modified date, in both ascending or descending order.
Ensure that iPad offline status indicator properly reflects 20 minutes of inactivity
Signin App (1.13.0)
Added the ability to use phone numbers
March 15
Picture Countdown Photo Compression
We added some compression to the pictures taken by the Picture Countdown page
User Groups affected: Administrators
Rationale: The uncompressed photos were too large and took longer to load in the Guestbook
March 11
Contact Support link
Our “Contact Support” link wasn't redirecting to our knowledge base correctly. We fixed this!
User groups affected: Administrators
Rationale: This shouldn't have happened so we fixed it
March 8
Signin App (1.12.3)
Searching on the Host page
We improved the way we search hosts allowing us to now search for hosts with multiple last names. Ex. Searching for “Ryan Da Costa” should now work!
User Groups affected: Visitors
Rationale: To improve the search experience for visitors
Password Policy
We've updated our password policy so that user's cannot reuse their last 3 passwords when setting a new password.
User groups affected: Administrators
Rationale: Enforces better password practices for our customers/users
Host Upload
We squashed a bug that cleared out some hosts from their host group during CSV upload or ActiveDirectory Sync.
User groups affected: Administrators
Manual Signin Location Validation
We resolved an issue that prevent the Location validation from working properly for Manual Signins. This problem only occurred when multiple Traction Guest Users were logging in and using the platform from the same machine.
User groups affected: Administrators
Rationale: The validation should have been firing so we fixed it
Bouncer Action Notifications
When using a Bouncer Action without adding an email to it, notifications were also not sent to the watchlist group set up in the Location Email Preferences.
User groups affected: Administrators, Security
Rationale: The notifications set up in the Location Email Preferences dialog should have been sent regardless of the email specified in the Bouncer Action
Terms and Conditions
We've updated our terms and conditions
User groups affect: Administrators
Rationale: We received new terms and conditions from legal
March 5 Updates
GuestIO (0.1.4)
New Certificate
We updated the certificate used by GuestIO and also included it within the .zip file to make it easier to set up for our customers
User groups affected: Administrators, Security
Rationale: It makes it easier to set up GuestIO securely
Image resizing
The images we were previously sending using GuestIO were too big and sometimes could not be sent to our server. We've reduced the size of the images to make them easier to transfer.
User groups affected: Anyone using ACI
Rationale: We should always be able to send images from GuestIO to the server no matter what the size
------------------------- February 2019 -------------------------
February 27 Updates
GuestIO HTTPS/CORS changes
We were having some issues with ACI on certain browser configurations attempting to use HTTPS. We updated our CORS rules to help with this issue.
User groups affected: Administrators, Security
February 25 Updates
Upgrading GuestIO to support HTTPS requests
We can now make HTTPS requests, however right now this only works with some browsers
User groups affected: Administrators, Security
Rationale: Help to increase security with the GuestIO functionality
Editing Hosts with the Summary page
You can now edit hosts on the summary page even when no hosts were selected previously in the experience flow
User groups affected: Visitors, Administrators
Rationale: This expands the functionality of the Summary page allowing it to be used in more use cases, specifically in invite flows
February 19 Updates
Guestbook blank state placeholder image
Rather than being displayed when there is not data in the guestbook, the placeholder image sometimes disappeared. This has been fixed so that it's permanently there when there is no data
User groups affected: Administrators
Rationale: This shouldn't have happened so we fixed it
Google Translate Exemptions
We added special “notranslate” tags to certain components within the admin portal to keep them from being translated when using Google Translate. This has been added to components such as tabs, dropdowns, datepickers, timepickers
User groups affected: Administrators
Rationale: When these components were translated they caused issues that either broke the component or negatively impacted the user's experience
Manual Signin's sometimes did not require a Location
This was a bug that allowed user's to create Manual Signins without specifying a Location, which is a required field
User groups affected: Administrators
Rationale: This shouldn't have happened so we fixed it
Autocomplete on pre-registrations contained duplicates
Autocomplete contained an entry for each time the guest invited to the Location. This has been updated so that it will only contain a single entry which will contain the information from the last time the guest was invited
User groups affected: Administrators
Rational: Having multiple entries autocomplete for the same email is confusing and not our desired user experience
Watchlist entry colour error message
When you go to save a watchlist entry with no flag colour selected, it doesn't save and it doesn't tell you why. We updated the Watchlist entry dialog to now display an error validation message when no colour is selected
User groups affected: Administrators
Rationale: There should me a message telling the user why the Watchlist entry cannot be saved
Google Analytics Signup page
We added a new Google Analytics tag on successful signups
User groups affected: Marketing
Rationale: To help our marketing team better track new signups
Feb 11 Updates
Watchlist colours no longer case sensitive
We found an issue where watchlist colour checks were case sensitive. We've reached out to any customers who may have been impacted by this and have fixed the problem for the future.
February 6 Updates
EventBrite icon is white on white
The EventBrite icon was showing as white on white which made it impossible to see.
We fixed this so now Users can see the icon.
February 5 Updates
Duplicate sign-ins being Created
When an action node was directly before a Thank You page in an experience it would cause the system to create duplicate sign-ins for the visitor
User groups affected: Administrators
Rationale: This shouldn't have happened so we fixed it
------------------------- January 2019 ------------------------- January 31 Updates
Assign Yourself as Host
Even if you don't have permissions to see all the hosts in your organization you can now create an invite with yourself as the host.
User groups affected: People to invite
Rationale: Prior to this release if a User didn't have access to Hosts they couldn't add anyone as a Host.
Our new application that allows to run assisted check ins as well as our guestPrint feature
User groups affected: Administrators
Rationale: We are continuing to improve our offering with assisted checkin
Convert Host to User
Instead of creating a new User, Administrators can now re-activate an existing User when converting Host to User.
User groups affected: Administrators
Rationale: This way you no longer need to modify User's e-mails in order to convert a Host
Small fixes
Fix issue with guestBook not loading if photo of Guest has been removed by an administrator request to out Customer Success
Updated delete sign-in scripts to assist Customer Success with the requests they receive from Customer Administrators
Improved Google Analytics for Sign-up Page
Fixed experience flow issue where page was shown twice on iPad if a server action was between them
E-mail templates are now available on the Summary Page for Host Notifications
Allow QR Code Scan toggle on Summary Page is not able to be toggled off
Hidden Sign In records are now hidden in the Guest Historical View as well now
January 28 Updates
Update Visual Compliance Integration
Visual Compliance has updated their integration service so we needed to update our request to them.
User groups affected: Administrators, Security Personnel
Rationale: We want to ensure our Visual Compliance integration continues to work for everyone
Update Historical Cache Sorting
Continued improvements for our historical cache with how we sort the sign-in records to records synced to your iPad are the most important ones
User groups affected: Administrators
Rationale: For Guests who have signed in multiple times we want to make sure the correct sign-in record is available for our auto-complete features
January 21 Updates
Enhanced Performance
We made some modifications to our Guestbook page to increase the loading speed.
User groups affected: Administrators, Front Desk Staff
Rationale: So users of the guestbook have a faster experience loading the page
January 16 Updates
Including Country in Pre-Registration Watchlist Check
Now when you create an invite you will notice a “Country” field. If filled in it will be used in our integration with Visual Compliance to find watchlisted individuals.
User groups affected: Security Officers, Users creating invites
Rationale: So we can have fewer false positive results for watchlist records and a pre-cursor to more customizability on invites.
Photo Countdown Page
When you are creating an experience in the experience editor you will now notice two photo pages. One allows you to configure a countdown on the page where the photo will be automatically taken once the countdown is done. The other photo page is the one previously available.
User groups affected: Administrators, Visitors
Rationale: Some visitors get confused that they need to take the photo themselves. This gives administrators the flexibility to either have the visitor take the photo or have it taken automatically.
Increased security features
Adding security to our reset password process
Additional controls around file upload standards and what is allowed via our API
Added Information within the Application
A link to contact our Customer Success team and Knowledge Articles
Warning for Administrators when setting up GuestConnect actions that where they put the data might not be in line with their organization's security protocols.
------------------------- December 2018 -------------------------
December 20 Updates
Day/Night mode UI tweaks
Updating the styles / colours of our web application
User groups affected: Administrators
Rationale: So that our UI styles are more consistent and maintainable. Plus it looks better and our UI guru, Scott Wilton, can rest easy while on vacation.
Sign in CSV Export UI and default export behaviour
We updated the Sign in CSV Export UI to make it easier to use/understand. We also updated the default export behaviour to convert the sign in's timestamps to the timezone of the location that sign in came from.
User groups affected: Administrators
Rational: This provides a better user experience for our customers and doesn't require them to learn how to change timezones in Microsoft Excel
Remove Traction Guest information from the footer of watchlist emails
User groups affected: Administrators
Rational: We want to remove anyTraction Guest branding from our e-mails
Remove CREATE/DELETE Email Template permission from default's INVITES permission bundle.
User groups affected: Administrators
Rational: This is a default permission bundle that many Users may have in an organization (especially if SSO is enabled) which could pose a risk if the Users aren't properly trained on what to do.
Bug Fixes
Youtube/video icons now visible in Guestbook and Experience Editor
User groups affected: Administrators
Removed Event & Gate sections from the “Location Groups and Location” help dialog for Users that do not have access to Events/Gates
User groups affected: Administrators
The same person cannot be added to the same group when two people hit "save" at the same time.
User groups affected: All
December 19 Updates
Host Sync Interval
User groups affected: Administrators
Our Customer Success team can now set the interval of how frequently the Host Cache should refresh
Rationale: To help with performance of the iPad application
Update iPad Experience if Sync interrupts
User groups affected: Visitors
No longer will a Visitor be sent back to the start of the Experience if the iPad is syncing while they are entering their information
Rationale: This was a bad user experience for visitors
Additional iPad Logging (Boot)
User groups affected: Administrators
We now store when the Traction Guest iPad Application restarts
Rationale: So we know before you do that the iPad App is having troubles and can proactively reach out to resolve any issues
Bug Fixes
Fixed Summary page not pulling in guest's mobile phone or company
User groups affected: Visitors
Fixed mobile phone not being pulled in from QR code on badges
User groups affected: Visitors
December 14 Updates
Active Admin Updates
To help our Customer Success team better serve all of you we've updated our Active Admin capabilities to search for Users within the system. We've made this query more efficient not only to help improve performance but keep y'all from sitting on the phone while Customer Success finds your account.
Database Connection Updates
We've made our connections to our database even faster. Think of this like us taking that old 2 lane highway and turning it into a SUPER highway.
December 7 Updates
Fix Icons in IE
None of the Traction Guest icons were showing up in Internet Explorer making the application impossible for administrators and hosts to use.
We made sure these were visible again.
December 6 Updates
Adding Tracking to Signup Page
Our marketing team would like to ensure we are helping new registrants of the platform get access to the tools and resources they need to help.
We added a tracking code to the sign up page so we can identify these Users and help them along in their Traction Guest journey
December 5 Updates
Location Email Preferences UI Improvement
User groups affected: All Users
The 'Email Alert', 'Transfer Ownership' and 'Create Invite' features are now hidden from users who don't have the appropriate permission.
Edit Invite View UI Changes
The watchlist section is removed since we don't update the watchlist record on this page.
Backend Performance Tuning
Introduce configurable thread count to handle traffic spikes.
------------------------- November 2018 -------------------------
November 28 Updates
New Location Page Design
User groups affected: All Users with access to locations
We've updated the Location Page to load more efficiently and overall just "look nicer" (according to our UX expert). By moving configuration items, invites, devices all onto separate tabs no longer will you need to scroll through a long list of things to get to what you are looking for.
Rationale: "The goal of the location detail redesign was to provide users with a clearer context and more workable layout when setting up, and performing common actions within a location." -Scott Wilton, UX Specialist
See HERE for the locations page.
Enhanced csv Export Functionality
Now when you go to export visit data to csv you can select which locations you would like to export for and the timezone you would like to export the sign in and sign out times into
User groups affected: Users and Administrators
Rationale: To give the Users more options in what exactly they would like to export and the format they would like the timestamps to be in
Update UI when Transfer Ownership
When you transfer ownership to a different user the page wasn't refreshing to show the new owner. Now it does.
Stop False Watchlist E-mails
When setting a pre-registration to “on premise” a watchlist e-mail was triggered whether or not the person was on a watchlist. We changed this so now it only triggers a watchlist if the visitor matches a watchlist record.
November 23 Updates
Increase Bouncer Action Buffer to 30 minutes
User groups affected: Security Officers, Visitors
Now the bouncer action will look for an invite starting 30 minutes before or after the sign in time for a Visitor
Rationale: If Visitors arrived early they would falsely trigger the bouncer action. This was annoying to those who would get these false alerts. So we fixed it.
More Improvements to our Host Cache Sync
Host Sync Interval
User groups affected: Administrators
Our Customer Success team can now set the interval of how frequently the Host Cache should refresh
Rationale: To improve performance of our host cache we are able to reduce the frequency if required
Update iPad Experience if Sync interrupts
User groups affected: Visitors
No longer will a Visitor be sent back to the start of the Experience if the iPad is syncing while they are entering their information
Rationale: A Visitor shouldn't be brought back to the beginning of their experience if the iPad chooses to sync during their work
Additional iPad Logging (Boot)
User groups affected: Administrators
Rationale: So we know before you do that the iPad App is having troubles and can proactively reach out to resolve any issues
Disable Host Photo in Cache
User groups affected: Visitors
We have added a flag so our Customer Success team can disable syncing Host photos to the iPad.
Rationale: To help speed up the Host Cache and save memory on iPads
Update Compression Algorithm
User groups affected: None
We've updated the compression algorithm used to send the Host Cache to the iPad
Rationale: To help with the efficient transfer of data
guestSign Document not updating on iPad
User groups affected: Visitors, Administrators
When a guestSign Document is updated within the web application this updated document is automatically updated on the iPad for the next Visitor who signs in
Rationale: Now Administrators don't need to think about manually updating the iPad with the new guestSign Document version
guestSign Error Message in guestBook view
User groups affected: Users, Administrators
When a guestSign Document had an error as a visitor signed in an error message will now be visible in the Guestbook view for a User to see
Rationale: Now Users can tell right away that there was an error with the Visitor signing a document and follow up with them in real time
Limit login attempts
User groups affected: All Traction Guest Users
Now when Users enter the wrong password 5 times their User Account will be locked
Rationale: To increase security of the platform
Host Photos in E-mail Templates
User groups affected: Visitors
We've temporarily removed host photos from the Host Details e-mail block while we remediate the issue of replacing the silhouette with the actual Host photo
Rationale: Host photos were not being replaced in our e-mail templates the silhouette from the template designer was staying in the template instead. While a longer term fix is being worked on we removed the ability to include photos in this e-mail block
Update to system watchlist e-mails for some Accounts
We modified our system e-mails for some Accounts (specific Accounts have been notified individually). Stay tuned this change has bigger impacts to all Accounts allowing you to brand these e-mails
November 19/20
Fix for Document Links
Responding to customer reported issue of document signing not linking correctly. This impacted any documents signed November 1 - November 19. These links are being updated by our DBA to ensure they are correct.
We found an issue with previously signed documents not linking correctly. We have fixed the issue with our historical visitor cache to ensure it works correctly with signed documents moving forward. While we remediate the historical data links we have removed the “view signed document” link from the guestBook.
November 14 Updates
Guest Sign Out Matching
User groups affected: any User viewing GuestBook
While sign outs via the iPad were tracked and appeared on the Guest History page some guests still had the "Sign out" button available on the GuestBook. We fixed the issue where sign outs update the Guest record to correctly identify a Guest as "signed out"
November 6 Updates
Event E-mails
User groups affected: Users and Visitors
Fixed issue with e-mails sent from events within the platform not received by event attendees
November 5 Updates
Historical Cache Updates
User groups effected: None (this will increase background server and iPad efficiency)
Additional updates to log actions by the iPad to collect the Host and Historical Caches to assist the team in identifying more performance improvements
November 1 Updates
Historical Cache Limitation ability
User groups affected: Users and Visitors
Visitor cache is now is shared by location groups. If a location is not in a group it downloads the full account visitor cache.
Historical cache defaults to 30 days of history but can be edited by location (requires contacting support)
iPad refresh rate can be edited (default 5 minutes)
More efficient caches (historical, host, pre-registration)
User groups effected: None (this will increase background server and iPad efficiency)
Updates to how the iPad processes and stores the cache to optimize performance
Removed out of date code
------------------------- October 2018 -------------------------
October 24 Updates
Selecting User to export csv to
User groups affected: Administrators / Platform Users with the ability to export csv reports
Rationale: To make it more efficient / easy for Accounts with LOTS of users to use
Preferences page fixes
Removed Users tab if the logged in User doesn't have permission
Fix page initialization so the whole page is populated with data
Remove console errors if a user doesn't have permission to a portion of the page
Shrink the SAML certificate on the page
Remove page tabs if there is only one tab
User groups affected: Administrators
Rationale: To make the page load more efficiently and have a better user experience
October 10 Updates
Terms & Conditions
User groups affected: all users who do not have custom Terms & Conditions
When Terms & Conditions are updated, Users will be prompted to acknowledge the new Terms & Conditions when they next log into the platform.
Note: this is only for Users within accounts that have our standard Terms & Conditions. Administrators of accounts with custom Terms & Conditions are responsible for ensuring their Users understand the Terms & Conditions.
Rationale: To ensure all Users are aware of our Terms & Conditions.
Invite Updates – UI Changes
User groups affected: any User sending invites
The User-Interface for sending invites is now more aesthetically pleasing.
It will auto-complete guest details if the email is known by Traction Guest
A new "Save and New" button allows faster creation of multiple invites in a row
Rationale: to improve the quality and ease of pre-registering/inviting visitors
Invite Updates – Updates to Scheduled Notifications
User groups affected: any User sending invites
When an invite date changes, we now adjust when the scheduled notifications go out.
Rationale: to make sure notifications automatically adjust when invite dates change.
Watchlist Updates
User groups affected: Security Personnel
Watchlists flags are no longer case sensitive.
Rationale: Capitalization should not impact whether a person if flagged or not. If someone’s watchlist record is “Robert Smith” and he signs in with “robert smith”, the system should still flag him.
File Type on Uploads
User groups affected: Any user who uploads to the system
Our penetration test identified a vulnerability: our system was allowing an upload of any file type, not just csv. Now, only csv files can be uploaded.
Rationale: to increase security.
Bugs that are now fixed
Transfer ownership now shows more than 50 Users.
Users can now send mass notifications from an iPhone.
The Upload Host Un-match function is now working smoothly.
The Summary Page is now returning invites from the same day.
------------------------- SEPTEMBER 2018 -------------------------
September 24 Updates
Repaired Security Vulnerabilities
User groups affected: Everyone
Repaired numerous potential security vulnerabilities during annual penetration test.
Rationale: To improve security
No More Nameless Host Uploads
User groups affected: Administrators
The system will no longer upload Hosts via csv files that have blank first or last names
Rationale: Since no one’s name is
, we are no longer adding Hosts that are not real people.
Repaired Synch Issue
User groups affected: Administrators
We fixed a sync issue with offline sign-ins. We now batch them into groups of 10 to send them to the server.
Rationale: to provide additional support that will ensure offline sign-ins sync successfully to the server.
Auto Sign-Out
User groups affected: Administrators
The Auto-Sign Out feature is now available on the Essential Tier.
Rationale: to make sure each of our tiers provide the right combination of features.
Backend Support for Terms & Conditions
User groups affected: n/a
We are preparing our system to prompt Users to accept our Terms & Conditions again whenever the Terms & Conditions are changed.
Rationale: to support the coming front-end upgrade.
Backend Support from Exporting csv with Time Zone Information
User groups affected: n/a
We are preparing to allow User to choose a time zone to attach to their csv file export
Rationale: to support the coming upgrade.
Supporting Select Tokens in Emails
User groups affected: Administrators
We now support location specific tokens in the Email Template Editor.
Rationale: making it easier for administrators to manage their own custom e-mails using our E-Mail Template Editor, released in the summer.
September 14, 2018
User Groups/New preferences page UI
Now you can group Users just like you can Hosts and Locations. This is just phase one. In the future we are planning on enabling you to map permissions to User Groups.
With this we updated the Preferences page to be easier to use.User groups affected: Administrators
Why we did it: Making it easier to manage Users for enterprise Customers
Updating how Themes Refresh
Additional logic on how the theme is pulled down from the server. Changes will only effect how the iPad reacts in a problematic situation.User groups affected: Administrators
Why we did it: Improved redundancy
Including Mobile Phone in Guest Info Block for E-mail Templates
Additional field that can be toggled on and off when editing the "Guest Info" blockUser groups affected: Administrators
Why we did it: Because it made sense to include this with the other Guest info
------------------------- AUGUST 2018 -------------------------
August 29 2018
Summary Page Query uses Invites first (past sign-ins if no invite)
Now when a visitor is presented with the summary page if they haven't filled anything in on the iPad they will enter their e-mail address. The application will look for any invites for that e-mail address for the day and use that data if they find one. If the application does not find an invite for that e-mail address it will use the data from the last sign-in for that e-mail address.User groups affected: Visitors, Hosts, Administrators
Why we did it: Making it easier for people to skip the Host Page and still notify the host that their guest has arrived
Transfer Ownership of E-mail Templates
Now a User can transfer their e-mail templates they have created to another User to own like you can with other records within the applicationUser groups affected: Administrators
Why we did it: You can transfer all other records, you need to transfer e-mail templates. Required for proper use of limited visibility settings.
Notes on sign-in records that don't have e-mails
You can now add notes on sign-in records even if the record doesn't have an e-mail address. They won't aggregate on the guest record (because guest records require an e-mail address); but they will be on the sign-in record.User groups affected: Administrators
Why we did it: So you can have a consistent experience with notes even if guests are not required to enter an e-mail address
Watchlist Photo View
Easily see all the wathclist photos in one place. A few releases ago we added the ability to add photos to a watchlist record. This now makes it easier for security officers to see all photos in one placeUser groups affected: Administrators
Why we did it: Making it easier to identify watchlisted folks from their photos
UI Updates / Bug Fixes
Create/Edit watchlist entries dialog updated
Back buttons now consistent throughout the application
Icon inconsistency has been fixed
Watchlist details now open when you click anywhere on the watchlist instead of just the photo or flag
Cursor on the form page overlapping with the first letter making it difficult to read
Choice page buttons back to showing up with the correct background colour
User groups affected: All
Why we did it: Some small tweaks to the UI to ensure the best experience for our Customers and their Visitors
August 14 2018
Emergency UI Changes
Can't expand signins in Guest view
Select all option not showing up in host table
Selection count doesn't update when all rows are selected in host table
August 13 2018
Analytics on # of Sign Ins / Sign outs
Watchlist Updates
Add photo
Add notes
Add aliases
Badge Provisioning API & Button on the Sign-in Record
Help within the Guest Web Application
So many “?” to help with all your questions!
Back-end update to support Summary Page changes coming soon
Update to the Host Groups UI to match Location Groups
August 1 2018
Location Groups
Support for multiple images linked to a manual sign-in
Limit false watchlist flags
Offline sign-in/sign-out sync fix
Filter/Sort Hosts by Department
Security updates to PaperTrail logs
Clone Permission Bundles
Fix issue with login refresh when a session expires
Add Required/Optional to GuestSign Signatures and Initials
------------------------- JULY 2018 -------------------------
July 31 2018
Fix back not warning of unsaved changes on Events
Fixing Locations page accessible even when logged out
Fix Sign outs in the Guest History page displaying created_at timestamp
Fix not seeing Locations on the Location Page if you didn't have Create/Edit on Location Groups
------------------------- JUNE 2018 -------------------------
June 2018
Additional Photo Encryption (applied to historical photos)
UK data center issue fixes
sync issue when iPad offline
June 1 2018
Email Template Builder
Allows users to build their own Invite, Host and Notification templates
Uses blocks to pull in data from records within Guest
New Date/Time Picker on Invite Records
------------------------- MAY 2018 -------------------------
May 28 2018
A tab was added in our info dialog that allows you to make a test print and it logs any brother printer errors
The error messages and codes are straight from the brother sdk documentation so they also don't have translations
Changed Print queue logic when multiple iPads are printing to the same printer at the same time.
Phone Number Country Codes
Allows people to select the countries available
Defaults the country code to the country selected
Accounted For Flag on the Roll-call view – allows teams during emergencies to track this person is accounted for without having to sign them out and sign them back in
Bug with GuestBook photo not showing up if the e-mail address had different case in sign-in
May 10, 2018
csv Export improvements
guestSign Status is now in the csv export
Experience data is now in the csv export
Previous releases not recorded in this document.