How to reset settings for Planner VSTO Outlook add-in
Sometimes issues with Planner can be due to the add-in settings in Outlook. Therefor it can be handy to reset all the settings in one go, instead of trying out every setting one at a time.
First close Outlook. Please make sure Outlook is closed and not just minimized.
Then open File explorer and go to one of the following paths:
(the picture shows the first option, yours might be different)
Now delete all folders here. The picture only shows a Planner add-in, but if you have other add-ins their settings can be deleted here as well.
Once that is done, restart Outlook.
When Outlook starts, please press Add-ins, then press Pronestor, then press Login as shown below.
This is sometimes enough, but Planner can also ask you for your credentials. In that case, just log in with you credentials.
In some cases, where a different person has logged in to Planner from your Outlook, it can be necessary to disconnect your outlook from their login. Please contact Sign in Workspace for assistance with this. We will need your legacy Exchange distinguished name to help.