Connecting Display to your Calendar
Once Display has been installed and you have ensured the permissions on either Exchange, Google or Planner – you can now proceed with the configuration of Display.
Go to Settings and choose either Exchange/Google/Planner in your left menu.
If you are using Planner
URL – insert the URL for your Planner server
Username – user account with permissions to manage rooms in Planner
Password - password for user account
Domain – domain name (optional)
Please note: Please don't use the "admin" account for display.
You will need to create a new account specific for the Display Application
The account must have Global "Facility Manager" permissions. as well as a billing account
and meeting type.
If you are using Exchange…
URL – insert the URL for your Exchange Web Services (EWS) –
Username – user account with permissions to lookup calendar information
Password - password for user account
Domain – Windows domain name - LEGACY Feature DO NOT FILL OUT
If you are running up against Exchange the exchange setting will decide how the information is shown on the Displays.
Sometimes the exchange settings needs to be updated with this powershell script to send the correct information to the Displays.
Set-CalendarProcessing -Identity [email protected] -AddOrganizerToSubject $true -DeleteComments $false -DeleteSubject $false
Where "[email protected]" equals the rooms mailbox
Please run this on the mailboxes
If you are using Google Apps for Business…
Principal email address – service account in Google Apps
(ex. pronestor [at] yourdomain [dot] com)
Service Account email address – account created when enabling API (ex. 123456789 [at] developer [dot] gserviceaccount [dot] com)