Recommended picture sizes
We recommend that you compress the picture as much as possible while retaining the resolution to improve performance. This can be done using or another tool of your choosing.
Please note that the filenames must be limited to the English alphabet and letters.
See the table below for recommended sizes.
Please note that Planner, Visitor, and Display are shown in a browser and that the pictures get scaled based on your resolution.
For example, the login picture we use as default in the solution is 600px x 825px but you rarely see the full picture, as shown here:
Image Specifications
Login page: png/jpg, 600px x 825px
Navigation logo: png/jpg, 25x125
Resource image: png/jpg, 220x150
Room Booking Panel - background: png/jpg, 1280x800
Room logo: png/jpg, 800x600
Room Activity Panel - background: png/jpg, Fit screen solution
Meeting Activity Panel - background: png/jpg, Fit screen solution
Self Registration: png/jpg, 1920x1080
!! Background image for display depending on tablet type: Please check your tablet resolution to ensure a best fit.
Recommended image format: .jpgs and in 72 dpi.