How to book using our O365 add-in
This guide explains how to use the Office 365 add-in. It goes through all the features the O365 add-in has to offer for booking your next meeting.
To complete this guide you will need:
Microsoft Outlook for Office 365
Planner with full exchange integration
Office 365 add-in installed Guide here
Note! Our Microsoft Outlook Office 365 add-ins are not compatible with our VSTO add-ins, remember to uninstall them before installing your Outlook Office 365 add-ins.
How to get started
Open up Outlook
Then go to the Calendar
Next select your desired date on your Calendar
Click on New Event and a popup window of an event form will open or double click the date to open new event.
Add the required details for your meeting
How to open the O365 add-in
Select a date and timestamp before opening the O365 add-in
Click on More Options to choose the O365 add-in
If you can not find the O365 add-in, follow our guide on installing
How to add a Teams meeting to your meeting
Teams meetings are a great way to accommodate attendees from different locations. So here's how you add the Teams meeting to your meeting:
Under Search for a room or location Office 365 supports online meetings
Click on the Teams meeting and your attendees get redirected to join a pre-made meeting setup
Then open the O365 add-in Guide here
How to add a meeting room to your meeting
Click on + Add room and it shows a list of the available meeting rooms at your selected location. It will also show the capacity amount of participants for the rooms.
How to locate resources using a filter
You can search for specific requirements when adding a Room, Catering, or Equipment category. This is how you would do that:
Click the Filter icon and add the relevant criteria. As shown below
How to book a meeting series
This is a setting that makes it easier to plan a series of meetings, so you do not have to replan them every time. To do so:
Click on the Recycle Icon and click on Custom
A pop-up window will show up. Here you have the opportunity to make booked meetings a series of meetings.
You can customize the start/end date and choose a specific day(s), week(s), month(s) _or even year(s) that you would like it to be repeated on. _
Important Note! Please ensure you set an end date for the recurring meetings
How to move a meeting
Double-click on the meeting you want to move
A pop-up window with info details of the meeting will appear
Click on edit and it will allow you to edit the details of the meeting
Change the details and remember to click Send
Now you're all done and have successfully moved your booked meeting.
How to cancel your meeting
Right-click on the meeting you want can cancel and click delete
A mail will be sent to the invited attendees, that you have canceled the meeting
How to add catering services to your meeting
This feature allows you to book catering in advance, for your meetings.
Please note that you will only be allowed to order servings within the duration of your appointment.
Click on + Add catering
A list of catering items will appear that can be ordered for the specified time
Choose the catering service by either having it Picked up or Delivered to a specific location and choose a timestamp for the catering service
Add all the catering items you want
You can also search for specific requirements when adding a Room, Catering, or Equipment category.
Total price will appear at the bottom of the O365 add-in. Click on Add order to save the order
How to add several catering to your meeting
Click + Add catering and add the relevant catering. Continue for as many servings as you want
How to specify or change the billing account
Click on the Billing tab and billing details will appear
Under Overall billing you can choose one account to be responsible for all the services. There is also an option to assign each service to their own billing account
Remember to press save orders and you will get a confirmation that your event is booked
How to add equipment to your meeting
Click on + Add equipment and available equipment options will appear.
You can also search for specific requirements when adding a Room, Catering, or Equipment category.
"Can I book a meeting room, catering, and equipment for the same meeting?"
Yes - you can even add multiple rooms and add multi catering services to be delivered at the meeting start and then later for the same meeting
"Can I use the add-in with Microsoft's way of add-in meeting rooms?"
Yes - see the O365 add-in as a powerful tool for helping the best fitting meeting room.
"What about rules on catering services - like week schema, the deadline for booking,g, etc - will they work as well?"
Yes - catering service rules are controlled by the local kitchen chef, and rules for meeting rooms are controlled by the local facility manager.
"Can I add cost allocation info when booking?"
Yes - you can set it for all bookings or individually if required