!! The O365 add-in roll-out for all users should be done 24-36 hours before launch, as Microsoft may require 24 hours to complete it.
Requirements for installation of add-ins
To complete this guide you need:
Microsoft Outlook for Office 365 or Microsoft Outlook Web for Office 365
SSO setup with your Cloud solution
Manifest file from your administrator
Planner with Full Exchange Integration
Uninstall our VSTO add-in before installing your Outlook Office 365 Pronestor add-ins
How to roll out the add-in for all users
The Pronestor Office Add-in can be installed either by the users or centralized deployment on behalf of individual users, user groups, or the entire corporation.
If users are to install the add-in themselves - please follow the section "Manuel installation" below. If deployment is to happen centralized on behalf of multiple users - please follow the section "Centralized deployment of add-in".
Centralized deployment of add-in
Require O365 administrator permissions.
Open Microsoft 365 admin center in Office 365
Click settings in the left side menu and choose Integrated Apps
Choose "Add-ins" - in the top section where it refers to "Line of business apps"
Save manifest file from your Planner site [Administration → Settings → Other Settings]
Choose "Deploy add-in" - which will guide you on how to deploy the add-in to Outlook users in your organization
Select "Deploy custom add-in" and choose "Upload custom apps"
Choose "I have a FILE for the manifest file" and load the manifest the Pronestor add-in manifest
Click "Upload"
Please follow the rest of the steps onscreen to choose users who should have the add-in install
We do recommend following the recommendation by Microsoft - that is, choose a small set of users to validate the installation and distribution before, distributing it corporate-wide.
Please be aware that the deployment can take up to 24 hours for Microsoft to complete the distribution.
For further information on centralized deployment - please refer to the following guide from Microsoft: Manage Deployment of Add-ins