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(v2) Organization
Reg Gray avatar
Written by Reg Gray
Updated over a week ago

There are the following options in the blue menu on the left side of the screen:

  • Locations: The different locations in the Region

  • Location groups: Possibility to divide locations in a hierarchy

  • Companies: Isn’t used in the Region

  • Departments: Possibility to divide users in departments


Locations - Creating a Location

A location is an office or unit on which you can book meeting rooms and/or catering. When creating a location, it usually represents a geographical place, including:

  • Country

  • Cities

  • Buildings

  • Street names

In the following example, we have created locations based on cities.


For each location, you need to set up its time zone, address, and you have the option to add an Accounting code used for invoicing. It is recommended to add the address of the location, as it is necessary for sending Visitor Boarding Cards. This will be described later in this guide.

Location Groups - Location Hierarchy for Easy Navigation

It used to separate locations into a hierarchy that can be relevant if you have more locations in the same city, country, or continent.

In this example, a company has ten offices on 2 different continents. To make it easier for the users to navigate, the offices are divided into location groups.

  • Europe

    • All European offices

  • USA

    • All offices in the USA


Using Location Groups and Locations

To make the most of Location Groups, follow these steps:

  • Create the location groups

  • Create the locations

  • Add each location to the appropriate location group

Utilizing location groups and locations helps users navigate effectively within the locations.



!! Relevance: This section is only relevant for Multi-company houses with several companies sharing facilities and using Planner for meeting rooms.

  • Email domains: Add the email domain of each company. This ensures that each user is linked to the right company if users can create their own accounts.

  • Users: Manually add or remove users to/from a company if you don’t use the email domain.

  • Notice: If users and secretaries are managed through AD, use this section for look-ups and information only. Any manual changes will be overwritten by the AD import.

  • Data retention: If a department or company is deleted, data regarding bookings will remain in the solution for invoicing and logging purposes.


Managing departments and users

In this section, you can:

  • Add users to the right departments

  • Determine which billing accounts and meeting types each department/company can use for bookings

Email-domains: Use this to add the email domain of each department/company. If users are allowed to create their own account in the solution, the domain feature will ensure that each user is linked to the right department. This is relevant if you do not use the Company feature to divide users into the right groups.

We have created a department here that is called IT-department, and when you click on it, you can see:

  • Users

  • Secretaries

  • Billing accounts

  • Meeting types

This will provide a quick overview of which users belong to the department, which secretaries are in the department (they can book on behalf of all the department’s users), and you can choose which billing accounts and meeting types should be available for the department.

!! Notice: If users and secretaries are controlled via AD, this section is just for getting an overview.

Billing accounts and meeting types must be created in the Settings tab (described in the section Settings) prior to set here.

Click on + next to one of them, and it will expand and show the data.


Managing Meeting Types

  • Adding a meeting type:

  • Click the + at Meeting Types

  • Click the green + for a meeting type

  • It is moved to Meeting types selected

  • Removing a meeting type from a department:

  • Click the bin next to the chosen meeting type

  • It will then be moved to the list of available meeting types


Managing Billing Accounts

  • Adding a billing account:

  • Click the + next to Billing accounts

  • Click the green + next to a billing account to move it to Billing accounts selected

  • Removing a billing account from a department:

  • Click the bin at the selected billing account

  • It will then be moved to the list of available billing accounts

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