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(v2) Billing
Reg Gray avatar
Written by Reg Gray
Updated over a week ago

If any of your resources have a price per booking, it’s necessary to create Billing accounts in the solution. All users must have at least 1 billing account to choose from, to complete a booking.

These billing accounts must be similar to the information used for invoicing.

Follow these steps to create a new billing account:

  • Name: Enter the name of the billing account. This is the name the users see when choosing a billing account.

  • Accounting code: If further information is needed for invoicing, it can be entered here. This will not be visible or editable for users but can be included in the data export.



Regular expression:

If users need to enter information in relation to a billing account, you can specify a fixed format for data here. Planner can’t check if the data is correct or not, but it will check the format.

Billing note required:

This can be activated if the users must enter data related to the billing account. Often used to enter project id or VAT no.

Note tooltip:

If the billing note is required, this will allow you to enter a short text to describe what data the user must enter, e.g. ”Enter VAT no.”


Only relevant if importing future bookings in the implementation process.


Department Billing - Managing billing accounts

  • Department visibility: Determine which departments each billing account will be visible for.

  • Save: Click save after entering all information to make the new billing account visible in the list of billing accounts.

  • Generic options: Beneath the list of billing accounts, find several generic options that apply to all billing accounts.

  • Payment note: A note must be entered for all orders with a cost associated to it.

  • Enable favorite billing accounts and search: It shows users the last “X” billing accounts used and allows users to search for a billing account, making it easy and quick to choose a billing account.


Export Billing Accounts

If you want to get an overview of all the created billing accounts, you can:

  • Export the list in CSV format

  • Open the file in Excel

Click on Download as CSV and the file can be opened in Excel.

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