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(v2) Table setup
Reg Gray avatar
Written by Reg Gray
Updated over a week ago

Customizing Table Setups

You have the option to create different types of table setups, allowing users to:

  • Order different setups

  • Edit the table arrangement

  • Activate/deactivate setups

This is an optional feature in the solution, offering:

  • Eight standard setups

  • Possibility to create an additional 5 setups, if necessary


Table Setup Information

Name: Enter the desired name of the table setup. The name should be as descriptive as possible, to help the users.

Description: Describe the setup, also to help the users book the right setup.

Active: It is possible to create and describe your table setup without activating it if you need to get other things in place prior to activating it. Click Save.

When you want to determine the Table setup for your rooms, please see the section for the Facility Manager where it is described.

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