To create a new catering resource, follow these steps:
Go to the right category
Click New resource
!! Most of the settings for catering is comparable to those that you can set for a room. Please refer to the "Create rooms" for a description of the settings.
When creating a resource, consider the following options on the Basic tab:
Enter the name of the resource in the correct category
Add a description visible to users
Specify price if applicable
Unit and daily stock
In Unit, you can specify the unit for the item, e.g. if tea and coffee is ordered as cups or in pots.
In daily stock, you can set a max. quantity available per day. The number available will be visible for the users.
Pick up
Picked up at is used to inform users where to pick the item, if they don’t want to get it delivered. If you wish to use this, the options must be created by the Administrator in the tab Organization.
Allow pickup / Is deliverable
Allow pick-up and Is deliverable are typically both activated, but can be changed when relevant.
Incur delivery free
If there is a cost associated with having the item delivered, you must activate Incurs fee on delivery. The Administrator can set the cost, and this must be coordinated with him/her.
Restricted delivery
Restrict delivery is used if an item can only be delivered to specific meeting rooms. You simply select the room(s) that are relevant
Closing Days
If the canteen/kitchen is closed during the year, it’s a good idea to enter these closing days.
This ensures that the catering items can’t be ordered on these days, and it ensures that deadlines are calculated according to the closing days.
Simply click Closing Days and then click the calendar icon on the right side. Use the calendar to choose the closing days.
Print Menu
It is possible to print the menu, i.e., all items in all categories.
On the left side, click Print menu. This opens a print function where you can print the menu.
In print you can see
•Name of the location
•The categories
•The items in every category
•The quantity and price of the item